2022-01-03 09:08:57 452KB 大气设计CSS3网页模板是一款动
flash: http://www.Haoday.com/newswf/left.swf flash: http://www.Haoday.com/newswf/right.swf
2022-01-02 12:38:40 238KB 动画效果 新年对联
clear all close all clc % straight line 1 of the athletic track x1=-10:0.2:10; y1=0*x1+5; % semi-circle 1 of the athletic track theta=pi/2:-0.04:-pi/2; x2=5*cos(theta)+10; y2=5*sin(theta); % straight line 2 of the athletic track x3=10:-0.2:-10; y3=0*x3-5; % semi-circle 2 of the athletic track theta=3*pi/2:-0.04:pi/2; x4=5*cos(theta)-10; y4=5*sin(theta); % Include straight lines and semi-circles to get an entire athletic track x=[x1 x2 x3 x4]; y=[y1 y2 y3 y4]; % Two cycles of the athletic track x=[x x]; y=[y y]; % plot the athletic track plot(x,y) axis([-16,16,-6,6]) axis equal hold on for i=1:length(x) k1=fix(1.1*i); % define velocity of the 1st player (uniform velocity) if k1>length(x) k1=length(x); end h1=plot(x(k1),y(k1),'Color',[1 0 0],'Marker','o','LineWidth',5); % show location of the 1st player k2=fix(1+5*i^(0.76)); % define velocity of the 2nd player (faster at the beginning, then slower) if k2>length(x) k2=length(x); end h2=plot(x(k2),y(k2),'Color',[k2/length(x) 0 k2/length(x)],'Marker','s','LineWidth',5); % show location of the 2nd player
2022-01-02 09:03:33 3KB MATLAB 动画制作 龟兔赛跑 追逐游戏
function optics_prism close all figure('position',[78 276 792 402]); xp=[-0.2,0.2,0];yp=[0.2,0.2,0.5];B=pi/14; ZZ=[xp;yp]'*[cos(B),sin(B);-sin(B),cos(B)]; fill(ZZ(:,1),ZZ(:,2),[0.2,0.4,0.6]); axis([-1,1,0,1]);hold on;set(gca,'color','k'); t=0;A=pi/8;set(gcf,'doublebuffer','on'); x=[-1,-1];y=[0,0]; H=plot(x,y,'w','linewidth',6); while t<0.8; pause(0.1); t=t+0.1; x(2)=-1+t*cos(A); y(2)=t*sin(A); set(H,'xdata',x,'ydata',y); end x1=[x(2),x(2)];y1=[y(2),y(2)];H1=plot(x1,y1,'r'); H2=plot(x1,y1,'color',[1,1,0]);x2=x1;y2=y1; H3=plot(x1,y1,'y');x3=x1;y3=y1; H4=plot(x1,y1,'g');x4=x1;y4=y1; H5=plot(x1,y1,'color',[0,1,1]);x5=x1;y5=y1; H6=plot(x1,y1,'b');x6=x1;y6=y1; H7=plot(x1,y1,'color',[1,0,1]);x7=x1;y7=y1; t=0; C=linspace(pi/16,0,7); s=linspace(1,1.2,7); while t<0.165; pause(0.1);
2022-01-02 09:03:32 1KB MATLAB 三稜镜 色散 折射
汉堡美食CSS3网站模板是一款利用CSS3的动画效果实现的美食类网站模板。绿色漂亮的pizza食品企业css模板_绿色 大图 展示 整体色 导航 ui 食品 食物 美味 企业 整站 漂亮
2021-12-31 17:03:27 1.24MB 汉堡美食CSS3网站模板是一款利
ios应用源码之发一个模拟扑克 开局和出牌的动画效果 pocker_fortest
2021-12-31 09:28:17 588KB ios 源码 动画
10个精美的HTML5 适合手机端的Loading动画效果,不多介绍了,这些个Loading小动画,是制作网页进度条的好素材,不管是PC端还是移动端都可以使用,我觉得对前端设计开发者来说,是相当有用的HTML5 css3设计素材。
2021-12-30 17:17:41 4KB HTML5_CSS3源码-文字特效
2021-12-30 15:26:36 1.06MB 环形导航
js html5 canvas制作多个小球碰撞的动画效果 js html5 canvas制作多个小球碰撞的动画效果
2021-12-30 10:22:48 36KB js  html5  canvas
2021-12-29 14:09:36 612KB Android