绘制 Matplotlib 3D 曲面动画的代码数据
2021-10-13 18:08:39 120KB Matplotlib plot_surface animation
2021-10-13 11:07:08 372KB matlab 偏最小二乘 主成分分析
2021-10-07 22:08:25 30.74MB 源代码 数据手册
很棒的虚拟试戴(VTON)研究的精选清单 与虚拟试穿(VTON)相关的很棒的研究论文,项目,代码,数据集,研讨会等的精选列表。 基于图像的(2D)虚拟试戴 2020年ACCV CloTH-VTON:基于混合图像的虚拟Try-ON的服装三维重建- , ECCV 2020 不要掩盖您不需要掩盖的内容:无解析器的虚拟试穿- CVPR 2020 通过自适应生成实现逼真的虚拟试穿 :left-right_arrow:保留图像内容- 来自未配对数据的基于图像的虚拟试穿网络- 语义多模态图像合成- 2020年CVPRW CP-VTON +:基于图像的服装形状和纹理保留虚拟试穿- 使用人体模型对衣服进行3D重构及其在基于图像的虚拟试穿中的应用- ICCV 2019 VTNFP:基于图像的虚拟试穿网络,具有身体和衣物特征保留功能- ClothFlow:基于流程的衣服人生成模型- ICCVW 2019 UVTON:在基于图
2021-10-05 10:00:09 7KB image collection video fashion
This book does not teach R programming, but each chapter has an “R lab” with data analysis and simulations. Students can learn R from these labs and by using R’s help or the manual An Introduction to R (available at the CRAN web site and R’s online help) to learn more about the functions used in the labs. Also, the text does indicate which R functions are used in the examples. Occasionally, R code is given to illustrate some process, for example, in Chap. 16 finding the tangency portfolio by quadratic programming. For readers wishing to use R, the bibliographical notes at the end of each chapter mention books that cover R programming and the book’s web site contains examples of the R and WinBUGS code used to produce this book. Students enter my course Statistics for Financial Engineering with quite disparate knowledge of R. Some are very accomplished R programmers, while others have no experience with R, although all have experience with some programming language. Students with no previous experience with R generally need assistance from the instructor to get started on the R labs. Readers using this book for self-study should learn R first before attempting the R labs.
博客见:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37534947/article/details/109726153 主要是卷积网络的手写以及Ptorch实现的代码,包含数据集!
2021-09-18 21:02:40 151.49MB Ptorch 卷积网络
2021-09-14 16:21:02 63.49MB BPNN CNN SVM
2021-09-13 17:05:11 94KB 医保中医疾病 医保