Error Control Coding Fundamentals and Applications Book 2
2021-09-29 19:49:56 6.64MB Error Control Coding Fundamentals
Error Control Coding Fundamentals and Applications Book
2021-09-29 19:43:10 13.35MB Error Control Coding Fundamentals
Programming Interviews Exposed Coding Your Way Through the Interview(4th) 英文epub 第4版 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-27 16:16:17 5.45MB Programming Interviews Exposed Coding
Zen Coding: 一种快速编写HTML/CSS代码的方法 一种新的使用仿CSS选择器的语法来快速开发HTML和CSS的方法。它由Sergey Chikuyonok开发。 你在写HTML代码(包括所有标签、属性、引用、大括号等)上花费多少时间?如果你的编辑器有代码提示功能,你编写的时候就会容易些,但即便如此你还是要手动敲入很多代码。 在JavaScript方面,当我们想要在一个页面上获取某个特定的元素时,我们就会遇到同样的问题,我们必须写很多代码,这就变得难于维护和重用。JavaScript框架应运而生,它们同时引入了CSS选择器引擎。现在,你可以使用简单的CSS表达式来获取DOM元素,这相当酷。
2021-09-27 02:54:05 99KB Zen.Coding Notepad++
平均场博弈均衡计算 平均场博弈论是研究非常大的群体中的小相互作用主体的战略决策的研究。 在连续时间内,平均场博弈通常由描述个人最佳控制问题的汉密尔顿-雅各比-贝尔曼方程组成。 在相当普遍的假设下,可以证明一类平均场博弈是N玩家Nash均衡的N→∞的极限。 介绍 我们分析了一种特定类型的均场博弈。 玩家因完成任务而获得奖励(无论任务的类型无关紧要)。 每个玩家的奖励均基于所有玩家之间的排名(即完成时间的分位数),而排名奖励功能是由决策者设计的。 而且,每个玩家都有固定的预算,他们可以花费这些预算来提高效率,即缩短完成时间。 定点数值算法 该项目采用定点算法实现纳什均衡(即完成时间F T的累积分布函数)求解器。 奖励功能是输入,可由用户更改。 该算法通过求解一组偏微分方程(PDE)递归更新期望值函数,唯一的逐点最大化器,完成时间流入/流出速率和F T。 如果新的F T与当前F T足够接近,则定
2021-09-26 13:28:44 2.57MB Python
一本好书! John.Wiley.and.Sons. Essentials.of.Error.Control.Coding.Sep.2006
2021-09-25 19:19:21 2.49MB John.Wiley.and.Sons.
2021-09-21 02:11:46 993B coding
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-18 21:04:44 9.02MB Error Control Coding
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-18 21:01:00 9.02MB Error Control Coding
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-18 20:55:27 9.02MB Error Control Coding