人工智能导论 我们期末考试的题型主要包括了选择、填空、判断、问答、证明等题型。大家复习的时候需要多理解老师们在课上讲的关于传统人工智能、博弈论、新人工智能的部分中的示例,不需要死记硬背一些概念。其中博弈论部分复习要点为: 1.基本概念 博弈 占优策略 纳什均衡 (混合)策略 囚徒困境 2.对抗算法基本原理 minimax 算法 alpha-beta 剪枝 蒙特卡洛树搜索算法 求star:red_heart::two_hearts::sparkling_heart::face_blowing_a_kiss: 人工智能的概念 定义 智能机器 能够在各类环境中自主地或交互地执行各种拟人任务(anthropomorphic tasks)的机器。 定义 1 人工智能 AI 是关于知识的科学,怎样表示知识以及怎样获得知识并使用知识的科学。(Nilsson) AI 就是研究如何使计算机做过去只有人才能做的智能工作。(Winston) 定义 2 人工智能(学科) 人工智能(学科)是计算机科学中涉及研究、设计和应用智能
2021-07-13 14:01:49 20.7MB notes artificial-intelligence HTML
2021-07-08 09:09:33 72.5MB computerscience artificial neural network
We call ourselves Homo sapiens—man the wise—because our intelligence is so important to us. For thousands of years, we have tried to understand how we think; that is, how a mere handful of matter can perceive, understand, predict, and manipulate a world far larger and more complicated than itself. The field of artificial intelligence, or AI, goes further still: it attempts not just to understand but also to build intelligent entities.
2021-07-07 14:10:25 13.68MB AI
2021-06-26 14:42:01 30.96MB AI
2021-06-25 15:51:36 17.45MB 人工智能 A
Python中的群智能(遗传算法,粒子群优化,模拟退火,蚁群算法,免疫算法,Python中的人工鱼群算法) 文档: : 文档: : 源代码: : 帮助我们改善scikit-opt 安装 pip install scikit-opt 对于当前的开发人员版本: git clone git@github.com:guofei9987/scikit-opt.git cd scikit-opt pip install . 特征 功能1:UDF UDF (用户定义的函数)现在可用! 例如,您刚刚制定了一种新型的selection功能。 现在,您的selection功能如下所示: ->演示代码: # step1: define your own operator: def selection_tournament ( algorithm , tourn_size ): Fi
2021-06-22 21:30:05 164KB ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Lisp in a Box for Windows Lisp in a Box on Windows has been modularized! •First, download the base installer and run it. This gives you GNU Emacs 21.3 and SLIME 2004-06-26. •Next, choose an implementation's module, and install it: ◦CLISP module. Includes CLISP 2.33. ◦Allegro Trial Edition 6.2 module. You must first install the trial edition from Franz's website. ◦Allegro 6.2 module. For people who have Allegro Common Lisp Enterprise Edition 6.2 already. •More than one implementation module can be installed.
2021-06-19 18:50:34 15.29MB Lisp Artificial Intelligence Programming
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets: Cutting Edge Applications for Risk Management, Portfolio Optimization and Economics (New Developments in Quantitative Trading and Investment) 2017 | ISBN: 1137488794 | English | 344 pages | PDF | 8 MB As technology advancement has increased, so to have computational applications for forecasting, modelling and trading financial markets and information, and practitioners are finding ever more complex solutions to financial challenges. Neural networking is a highly effective, trainable algorithmic approach which emulates certain aspects of human brain functions, and is used extensively in financial forecasting allowing for quick investment decision making. This book presents the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI)/neural networking applications for markets, assets and other areas of finance. Split into four sections, the book first explores time series analysis for forecasting and trading across a range of assets, including derivatives, exchange traded funds, debt and equity instruments. This section will focus on pattern recognition, market timing models, forecasting and trading of financial time series. Section II provides insights into macro and microeconomics and how AI techniques could be used to better understand and predict economic variables. Section III focuses on corporate finance and credit analysis providing an insight into corporate structures and credit, and establishing a relationship between financial statement analysis and the influence of various financial scenarios. Section IV focuses on portfolio management, exploring applications for portfolio theory, asset allocation and optimization. This book also provides some of the latest research in the field of artificial intelligence and finance, and provides in-depth analysis and highly applicable tools and techniques for practitioners and researchers in this field.
2021-06-13 11:57:57 8.4MB Artificial Intelligence Financial Markets
Lambda网络-Pytorch λ网络的实现,这是ImageNet上达到SOTA的一种新的图像识别方法。 新方法利用λ层,该层通过将上下文转换为称为lambda的线性函数并将这些线性函数分别应用于每个输入来捕获交互。 安装 $ pip install lambda-networks 用法 全球背景 import torch from lambda_networks import LambdaLayer layer = LambdaLayer ( dim = 32 , # channels going in dim_out = 32 , # channels