Understand and implement classic data structures and algorithms using JavaScript About This Book Learn how to use the most used data structures such as array, stack, list, tree, and graphs with real-world examples Get a grasp on which one is best between searching and sorting algorithms and learn how to implement them Follow through solutions for notable programming problems with step-by-step explanations Who This Book Is For If you are a JavaScript developer or someone who has basic knowledge of JavaScript, and want to explore its optimum ability, this fast-paced book is definitely for you. Programming logic is the only thing you need to know to start having fun with algorithms. In Detail A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer to utilize resources efficiently. Data structures and algorithms are the base of every solution to any programming problem. This book begins by covering the basics of the JavaScript language and then moves on to discuss the most important data structures such as array, queue, stack, and linked list. You will also gain an in-depth knowledge of how hash tables and set data structure function. After this, you will be taught what trees are, and how to use the binary tree and the binary search tree. In subsequent chapters, you will learn about graphs, DFS, and BFS. Finally, we will round off by learning how to differentiate between various searching and sorting algorithms such as sequential search, binary search, quick sort, bubble sort, and so on, and how to implement them. Towards the end of the book, you will also be introduced to dynamic programming. Table of Contents Chapter 1. JavaScript – A Quick Overview Chapter 2. Arrays Chapter 3. Stacks Chapter 4. Queues Chapter 5. Linked Lists Chapter 6. Sets Chapter 7. Dictionaries and Hashes Chapter 8. Trees Chapter 9. Graphs Chapter 10. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
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全世界最经典的数据结构教材,Horowitz的《数据结构基础Fundamentals of Data Structures》,中文版,其它所有数据结构书籍均继承于此,包括清华严蔚敏的书。 本书1983年出版,已经绝版。 Horowitz这个姓氏很有名,有科学家、音乐家等,犹太望族吗?
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Welcome to the fourth edition ofObject-Oriented Data Structures Using Java™. This book pres- entsthealgorithmic,programming,andstructuringtechniquesofatraditionaldatastructures course in an object-oriented context. You’ll find the familiar topics of linked lists, recursion, stacks,queues,collections,indexedlists,trees,maps,priorityqueues,graphs,sorting,searching, andcomplexityanalysis,allcoveredfromanobject-orientedpointofviewusingJava.Westress softwareengineeringprinciplesthroughout,includingmodularization,informationhiding,data abstraction,stepwiserefinement,theuseofvisualaids,theanalysisofalgorithms,andsoftware verificationmethods.
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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Global Edition,11ed,梁勇教授(Y.Daniel Liang)最新的教材,第11版,全网独家资源。原版高清pdf,可以打印,非扫描版,内含全部奖励章节。
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介绍 这本结构清晰且易于阅读的教科书说明了编写可有效处理大量数据的程序所需的概念和技术。 本书以项目为导向并经过课堂测试,提出了许多重要的算法,并通过激励示例为计算机程序员面临的问题带来了意义。还介绍了计算复杂性的概念,演示了可以有效计算和不能有效计算的内容,以便程序员可以对使用的算法做出明智的判断。本书假定您具有一些计算机编程的基本经验,并且熟悉面向对象的语言,但不一定需要使用Python。 主题和功能: 包括入门和高级数据结构与算法主题,并在序言中提供了针对相应课程的建议章节顺序 在每一章中提供学习目标,复习问题和编程练习,以及大量说明性示例 在相关的网站上提供可下载的程序和补充文件,并提供作者提供的指导材料 为来自不同语言背景的人提供Python入门 回顾了集和地图中哈希的使用,以及对二叉搜索树和树遍历的检查以及有关图的深度优先搜索的材料 讨论适合高级课程的主题,例如成员资格结构,堆,平衡的二进制搜索树,B树和启发式搜索 计算机科学的学生会发现,这本简明扼要的教科书对于入门级和高级水平的数据结构和算法本科课程来说都是无价的。这本书也适合作为计算机程序员的入门指南,帮助他们开始使用Python从事新工作。
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Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Second Edition Solutions Manual 数据结构和算法分析C语言描述第二版答案英文版
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P.S. 因为上传附件大小受限,故将本资源分为两部分,第二部分是 Dr. Dobb's Essential Books on Algorithms and Data Structures(Part 2) ,请注意两个一起下载,否则内容不全。 1.Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (C) 1993, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 2.Data Structures, Algorithms, and Program Style Using C (C) 1988, PWS Kent Publishing Co. All rights reserved. 3.Data Structures: From Arrays to Priority Queues (C)1985, Wadsworth, Inc. All rights reserved. 4.Fundamentals of Data Structures (C) 1976, 1983 Computer Science Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 5.Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms (C)1992, PTR Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 6.Introduction to Algorithms (C) 1990, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. 7.Practical Data Structures in C++ (C) 1993, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 8.Reliable Data Structures in C (C) 1985, Plum Hall Inc. All rights reserved. 9.Data Structures and Algorithms (C) 1983, Bell Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. 10.Articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal (C) 1998, Miller Freeman, Inc. All rights reserved.