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JetS3t 免责声明 这是James Murty最初的的分支和延续。 概述 JetS3t是免费的开源Java工具箱和应用程序套件,适用于Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3),Amazon CloudFront内容交付网络和Google Storage for Developers。 有关更多信息,文档以及到讨论列表和其他资源的链接,请访问。 也有概述了过去JetS3t发行版中的更改,还有,其中包括有关即将发行的发行版的详细信息。 运行应用程序 可以使用bin目录中的脚本运行每个应用程序。 要运行诸如Cockpit之类的应用程序,请从bin目录中为您的JetS3t版本运行适当的脚本(在这些示例中为“ xyz”)。 视窗: cd jets3t-x.y.z\bin cockpit.bat Unixy: bash jets3t-x.y.z/
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mind share SATA 存储技术 pdf, 完整版。有水印。The SATA (Serial ATA) interface is intended to expand and eventually replace the parallel ATA interface that has been the standard connection for hard drives and CD-ROM/DVD drives in Personal Computers for nearly twenty years. SATA, a high-speed serial version of ATA, is designed to maintain compatibility with software written for the standard ATA implementation, thus easing the transition to SATA. New advances in SATA provide new capabilities such as Native Command Queuing that improve overall drive performance and greater reli ability. In addition, the latest version of SATA (called SATA II) adds new features such as higher transfer rates, Port Selectors, Port Multipliers, and enclosure services, making it easier to implement low cost, high capacity, storage subsystems for server implementations. This book provides essential information for Systems Engineers, System Validation Engineers, Hardware Designers, and Software Developers. o Serial ATA Storage Technology provides ATA background information necessary to understand the Serial ATA implementation. This book provides detailed information regarding the serial protocol, commands, and electrical interface. A tutorial approach is taken to facilitate thorough understanding, using numerous illustrations, tables and examples. The text is also designed to provide easy to access valuable reference information
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