page_type 语言 产品展示 描述 urlFragment 样品 javascript 节点js 天蓝色的钥匙库 天蓝色 如何使用Node.js从Azure Key Vault设置和获取机密。 获取设置密钥库秘密管理的id-nodejs 如何使用Node.js从Azure Key Vault设置和获取机密 此示例显示了如何在Key Vault中存储机密以及如何使用Web应用程序检索机密。 该Web应用程序可以在本地或Azure中运行。 该示例使用Node.js和 创建一个密钥库。 将密钥存储在Key Vault中。 从Key Vault检索秘密。 创建一个Azure Web应用程序。 。 授予Web应用程序从Key Vault读取数据所需的权限。 在继续之前,请确保您熟悉。 SDK版本 在此示例中,您将找到以下文件夹: v3-引用Key Vault SDK v3 v4-引用Key Vault SDK v4 先决条件 2.0.4或更高版本 Azure订阅。 如果您没有Azure订阅,请在开始之前创建一个。 登录到Azure 打开命令提示符,即cmd,终
2022-12-21 20:23:52 13KB azure keyvault AzureJavaScript
'We have always recommended these books to our customers and even our own engineers for developing a better understanding of technologies and specifications. We find the latest PCI Express book from MindShare to have the same content and high quality as all the others.' --Nader Saleh, CEO/President, Catalyst Enterprises, Inc. PCI Express is the third-generation Peripheral Component Inter-connect technology for a wide range of systems and peripheral devices. Incorporating recent advances in high-speed, point-to-point interconnects, PCI Express provides significantly higher performance, reliability, and enhanced capabilities--at a lower cost--than the previous PCI and PCI-X standards. Therefore, anyone working on next-generation PC systems, BIOS and device driver development, and peripheral device design will need to have a thorough understanding of PCI Express. PCI Express System Architecture provides an in-depth description and comprehensive reference to the PCI Express standard. The book contains information needed for design, verification, and test, as well as background information essential for writing low-level BIOS and device drivers.In addition, it offers valuable insight into the technology's evolution and cutting-edge features. Following an overview of the PCI Express architecture, the book moves on to cover transaction protocols, the physical/electrical layer, power management, configuration, and more. Specific topics covered include: *Split transaction protocol *Packet format and definition, including use of each field *ACK/NAK protocol *Traffic Class and Virtual Channel applications and use *Flow control initialization and operation *Error checking mechanisms and reporting options *Switch design issues *Advanced Power Management mechanisms and use *Active State Link power management *Hot Plug design and operation *Message transactions *Physical layer functions *Electrical signaling characteristics and issues *PCI Express enumeration procedures *Configuration register definitions Thoughtfully organized, featuring a plethora of illustrations, and comprehensive in scope, PCI Express System Architecture is an essential resource for anyone working with this important technology.MindShare's PC System Architecture Series is a crisply written and comprehensive set of guides to the most important PC hardware standards. Books in the series are intended for use by hardware and software designers, programmers, and support personnel. 0321156307B08262003
2022-12-20 17:31:02 12.57MB PCI Express
2022-12-20 11:44:37 23B
This paper presents power management guidelines for PCI Express links on Intel-based Mobile platforms. It describes the mapping from platform sleeping states and device power states to link power states, including the procedure to support Mobile-specific S1/POS and CPU C3/C4 scenarios. Device and platform power saving opportunities are identified for each link power state. L1 entry policy is also recommended to optimize device power. Several power optimization techniques are described, including minimizing flow control updates and acknowledgement packets to improve bandwidth efficiency, and pipelining packets to increase opportunities for active state link power management. These power management guidelines enable architectural innovation to achieve power-optimized interconnect performance.
2022-12-20 00:51:35 88KB PCIe
PCI Express Base Specification Revision 2.0 协议规范
2022-12-19 19:02:04 3.2MB PCIExpress pci协议
PCI Express规范、协议介绍,最新版(V3.0),设计PCIE板卡的时候找到的资料,有PCIE接口介绍、信号介绍以及电气特性介绍、以及PCIE板卡连接器规范介绍等。
2022-12-19 17:05:56 2.07MB PCIE MINI PCIE
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2022-12-19 09:40:42 23.65MB node.js vue mybatis redis
Node.js可以用很少代码简单地实现一个Web服务,并且它有一个非常活跃的社区,通过Node出色的包管理机制(NPM)可以非常容易获得各种扩展支持。 对简单的应用场景Node.js实现REST是一个非常合适的选择。 本文介绍如何用Node.js实现REST服务。
2022-12-15 14:21:54 103KB Node.js实现RESTful API Node.js RESTful
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2022-12-14 22:52:40 9.97MB node.js mybatis vue redis
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2022-12-14 22:36:49 2.2MB nodejs javascript bootstrap mongodb