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2021-05-10 17:16:20 4.95MB 数学
Intended Audience The intended audience is upper level undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in computer graphics and vision and related areas. If you are a believer of the saying “A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which is not there”, probably this book is not for you. You should consider returning the book and getting a refund. If you have been looking for a book with a concise account of a certain topic but only was frustrated because the books for mathematics majors have too many details than you needed, I hope this is the book you have been looking for.
2021-04-28 22:25:10 7.62MB 计算机图形学 计算机视觉 数学
机器人学习国外教材:Robot Manipulators Mathematics Programming and Control
2021-04-24 17:03:15 9.18MB 机器人 Robot Manipulators Mathematics
Getting a high score on the GRE Math Subject Test isn’t about memorizing everything there is to know about math–it’s about targeting your test preparation. We teach you only the information you’ll need along with the best strategies for the test day. In this book, you’ll learn how to: •Use our strategies and techniques to boost your accuracy •Increase your pacing and familiarize yourself with the test format •Understand the topics that will most likely appear on the test •Practice and review the subjects that are hardest for you Cracking the GRE Math, 4th Edition also includes a full-length practice GRE Math Subject Test.
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Mathematics - California Mathematics - Concepts, Skills And Problem Solving, Grade 7
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Mathematics for Finance An introduction to Financial Engineering Second Edition Springer
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SUMS29 A First Course in Discrete Mathematics, Ian Anderson (2002) .pdf
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2021-04-05 12:27:51 140KB 汽车平顺性 推导 mathematics