html导出pdf的有很多大多都使用的是itext,其实用过的都知道itext有时并不能满足我们的需求,不能兼容html的样式,而且从html页面导出的图片到pdf中也并不好处理。Flying Sauser实现html2pdf,纠错能力差,支持多种中文字体(部分样式不能识别),而且对html的格式也是十分的严格,如果使用一种模版的话使用Flying Sauser技术倒是不错的选择,但是对于不规则的html导出pdf就并不是那么的适用。这时我们就要考虑使用其他的技术,而PD4ML可以满足我们需求,PD4ML实现html2pdf,速度快,纠错能力强可以过滤不规则的html标记,支持多种中文字体,支持css。
2021-11-04 11:27:50 25.69MB html转pdf
OpenType功能冻结器 使用 ,您可以将某些OpenType功能“冻结”为一种字体。 然后,这些功能会“默认情况下处于启用状态”,因此,即使在不支持OpenType功能的应用程序中(例如LibreOffice,OpenOffice和Windows XP),以前只能通过OpenType功能访问的字符(例如小写字母,旧式数字或本地化形式)现在也可以访问。或在不支持特定功能的应用中(例如Microsoft Office(如果使用小写字母))。 注意:该工具实际上通过应用指定的GSUB功能来重新映射字体的cmap表。 如果字形都没有任何cmap条目,则替换将不起作用。 仅支持单个和替代替换。
2021-10-30 17:06:29 77.62MB font opentype opentype-features opentype-fonts
1 加载慢,360公司也早就不再提供服务(,所以就从google上扒下来,把css和字体文件都放到本地。也可以根据这个例子,自己整理需要的css和fonts
2021-10-28 20:08:15 134KB fonts google useso css
2021-10-27 18:07:53 139KB css
包含DeJaVu系列的所有字体 让你的ide更好看 写bug的速度翻倍
2021-10-27 18:07:07 5.25MB dejaVU
Adobe Fonts 字体
2021-10-23 17:05:42 43.88MB Adobe
1,300,600,600italic,400italic,800,700 css以及字体
2021-10-22 10:27:07 496KB 谷歌,字体
The era of ASCII characters on green screens is long gone. Today, industry leaders such as Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle have adopted the Unicode Worldwide Character Standard, and acceptance among developers is rapidly increasing. Yet much software and many web sites still use a host of standards, including PostScript, TrueType, TeX/Omega, SVG, Fontlab, FontForge, Metafont, Panose, and OpenType. This new reference book is a comprehensive guide to using fonts and typography on the Web and across a variety of operating systems and application software. "Fonts & Encodings" shows you how to take full advantage of the incredible number of typographic options available. Advanced material covers everything from designing glyphs to developing software that creates and processes fonts. This book explains information on fonts and typography that software and web developers need to know to get typography and fonts to work properly.
2021-10-17 03:04:40 40.72MB Fonts and Encodings
mapbox-gl-js的fonts和sprite,包括Arial Regular和Microsoft YaHei Bold字体。可以直接部署到本地服务器上进行引用。
2021-10-15 19:54:31 16.02MB mapbox fonts sprite
包括:times new roman,中山行书百年纪念版,calibri,Christopherhand,DejaVuSansMono,方正兰亭黑,James Fajardo,Monaco,微软雅黑,仿宋,黑体,楷体,宋体,yahei_mono,仿宋_GB2312,楷体_GB2312,迷你简行楷碑。 文件名列表: bb1550.ttf calibri.ttf calibrib.ttf calibrii.ttf calibriz.ttf comesinhandy.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono.ttf DroidSansFallback.ttf fonts James_Fajardo.ttf Monaco.ttf msyh.ttf msyhbd.ttf simfang.ttf simhei.ttf simkai.ttf simsun.ttc times.ttf timesbd.ttf timesbi.ttf timesi.ttf yahei_mono.ttf 仿宋_GB2312.ttf 使用方法.txt 楷体_GB2312.ttf 迷你简行楷碑.TTF 使用方法: ==================================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================================== windows: 将所有的ttf文件拷贝到 系统所在分区的windows\fonts 目录下即可 linux: Install and configure Unicode TrueType fonts in Linux Uncompress the downloaded font archive to a directory and add it to the font path, a list of directories containing fonts: 1. Uncompress the archive # tar xvzf utf8.tar.gz or # tar xvjf arial.tar.bz2 2. Create a directory for new fonts # mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype 3. Move the uncompressed font files to the new font directory # mv *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype 4. Navigate to the font directory # cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype 5. Create fonts.scale and fonts.dir # mkfontscale && mkfontdir # fc-cache 6. Add the new font directory to the X11 font path # chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/truetype 7. Restart X font server # /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart You can verify the successful addition of the new path by running chkfontpath command or by listing X font server's /etc/X11/XF86Config file. If you do not have root access, copy the *.ttf to ~/.fonts directory instead. Make X11 fonts available to Java Perform one of the following: 1. Open /etc
2021-10-14 22:14:45 67.74MB fonts