微软 vs2019 c# .net core3.1 中文使用手册。使用最新vs2019编辑器,开发跨平台web应用。使用最新c#新语法已经语法糖。
2021-03-26 09:41:31 45.19MB c# net core 手册
ASP.NET Core 是一个跨平台的高性能开源框架,用于生成基于云且连接 Internet 的新式应用程序。 使用 ASP.NET Core,您可以: 创建 Web 应用程序和服务、IoT 应用和移动后端。 在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上使用喜爱的开发工具。 部署到云或本地。 在 .NET Core 或 .NET Framework 上运行。
2021-03-24 10:41:29 30.13MB .net core  asp.net
IdentityServer4-Demo Asp.Net Core 2.2使用IdentityServer4的用户名密码模式保护资源服务器的原型。
2021-03-23 19:09:53 3.42MB 系统开源
使用.Net Core 3.1 开发该其余API的目的是为了了解Web API结构,SOLID原理和设计模式(存储库,DTO等)。
2021-03-22 18:09:17 26.34MB C#
Stay ahead of the web evolution with elegant combination front-end development Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap is the professional’s guide to fast, responsive web development. Utilizing the most popular combination of web technologies for Microsoft developers, this guide provides the latest best practices and ASP.NET MVP guidance to get you up to speed quickly. The newest ASP.NET – now called ASP.NET Core – is leaner, easier to use, and less bound to the operating system and IDE.colle, giving you the perfect opportunity to leverage third-party frameworks and libraries that provide functionalities not native to ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio. This book shows you how to integrate ASP.NET Core with Angular, Bootstrap, and similar frameworks, with a bit of Nuget, continuous deployment, Bower dependencies, and Gulp build systems, including development beyond Windows on Mac and Linux. With clear, concise instruction and expert insight, this guide is an invaluable resource for meeting the demands of modern web development. Combine ASP.NET Core with different tools, frameworks, and libraries Utilize third-party libraries with non-native functionalities Adopt the most up-to-date best practices for front-end development Develop flexible, responsive design sites The world of web development is evolving faster than ever before, and the trend is toward small, focused frameworks with modular capabilities. Microsoft has noticed, and upgraded ASP.NET Core to align with the latest industry expectations. Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap helps you elegantly integrate these technologies to develop the sites that the industry demands.
2021-03-21 17:49:42 14.55MB Angular asp.net core bootstrap
NFine.Framework.Core asp.net core 管理系统框架 示例用户名:admin 密码:000000 Docker 在Docker中运行时由于linux系统中有的没有libgdiplus组件,所以在创建镜像是安装libgdiplus: 第一种办法 在Dockerfile中添加 apt-get update apt-get install libgdiplus 第二种办法 对现有的镜像做修改,然后保存下来。 docker run -it microsoft/aspnetcore apt-get update apt-install libgdiplus exit docker ps -a (找到刚才运行的容器的id) docker commit 容器的id lind/aspnetcore (以后Dockerfile中的FROM用此镜像)
2021-03-13 13:04:59 7.56MB asp c# .net
技术方案 后端框架:.NET Core3.1(后期会推出 .NET 5版本) 前端框架:React 数据库:mysql(可根据实际情况,自由切换) 中间件:redis
2021-03-13 13:04:56 4.66MB react asp .net 单点登录
如何给过滤器ActionFilterAttribute也用上构造函数注入呢? 一般自定义的过滤器直接用特性方式标识就能使用 [ContentFilter] 因为构造函数在使用的时候要求传参,然后我们可以使用这个 ServiceFilter 在ASP.NET Core里,我们可以使用ServiceFilter来完成这个需求。 ServiceFilter允许我们解析一个已经添加IoC容器的服务,因此我们需要把ContentFilter注册一下。 services.AddScoped(); 在需要的地方直接用特性方式标识 [ServiceFilter(ty
2021-03-12 16:15:57 32KB .NET AS asp
nopCommerce 4.30 官方网站下载源代码 asp.net core电商网站模板(含前后台) asp.net core电商网站框架(含前后台) 支持sqlsever.mysql 快速搭建购物网站
ASP.NET CoreApplication Development: Building an application in four sprints (Developer Reference)
2021-03-01 17:13:12 21.1MB asp.ne