The art of error correcting coding - 2nd edition.
2022-02-22 14:53:29 2.06MB coding
Grid并行显示多张图 注意: 第一个图需为 有 x/y 轴的图,即不能为 Pie,其他位置顺序任意 from pyecharts import Bar, Line, Scatter, EffectScatter, Grid ''' Grid类:并行显示多个图表 TODO 第一个图需为 有 x/y 轴的图,即不能为 Pie,其他位置顺序任意。 ''' attr = ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"] v1 = [5, 20, 36, 10, 75, 90] v2 = [10, 25, 8, 60, 20, 80] bar = Bar("柱状图示例
2022-02-18 19:11:39 65KB ar art c
启动Tomcat出现闪退的原因以及解决方案一、端口被占用二、缺少Java环境变量三、catalina_home环境变量没有配置四、catalina.bat没有设置暂停(一闪而过)五、不用配置环境变量的解决方案 检查出错原因:找到Tomcat的bin文件夹,快速进入命令行,输入startup.bat按下回车运行后,若提示缺少JAVA_HOME 或者缺少JRE_HOME说明Java环境变量没有配置好;若提示没有配置catalina_home环境变量,则按本文相关操作配置即可。 一、端口被占用 查看Tomcat的端口号(通过安装文件目录下conf目录中的server.xml文件查看Tomcat的
2022-02-17 10:23:37 895KB ar art c
计算机程序设计艺术,作者:DONALD e.KNUTH,主要介绍基本概念及算法
2022-02-16 13:36:58 13.11MB programm
《SQL语言艺术》.((美)Stephane Faroult ).[PDF].完整 高清 带完整书签 最佳中文版本 the art of sql
2022-02-14 11:13:07 32.92MB sql语言艺术 高清 完整 带详细书签
the art of computer programming 英文原版
2022-02-09 00:13:44 4.45MB the art of computer
分为5个小文件夹: 1. AR模型系数与LM神经网络完成微弱信号识别 2. 模糊ARTMAP 神经网络 3. ART神经网络的原理方法 4. ART3神经网络 5. ART神经网络
2022-02-08 09:13:50 36KB 神经网络 matlab 人工智能 深度学习
生活中有很多需要用到关联图的地方,至少我认为的是这样的图: 我是在使用Word2Vec计算关联词的余弦距离之后,想要更好的展示出来的时候,遇到的这种情况,就做了下拓展。 画图的步骤主要分为: 1. 将距离数据(或者相关数据)读入; 2. 按照一定的格式和参数将数据保存为json字符串; 3. 根据json串,绘制关联图。 具体而言,主要是: . 首先有一批数据,如图所示: . 导入所需要的包 import json import pandas as pd
2022-02-07 17:23:01 101KB ar art c
如何使用Echarts设计专业的K线图 先上图: Echarts所需的K线的数据结构有:时间(date),开盘(open),收盘(close),最低(lowest),最高(highest),成交量(volume) 数据采用list列表形式封装,如: 时间(date),开盘(open),收盘(close),最低(lowest),最高(highest),成交量(volume) var data0 = [[2016-06-17, 17733.44, 17675.16, 17602.78, 17733.44, 248680000], [2016-06-20, 17736.87, 17804.
2022-01-30 01:23:24 873KB ar art c
Chapter 1: The Impact of People and Leadership on Scalability Chapter 2: Roles for the Scalable Technology Organization Chapter 3: Designing Organizations Chapter 4: Leadership 101 Chapter 5: Management 101 Chapter 6: Relationships, Mindset, and the Business Case Chapter 7: Why Processes Are Critical to Scale Chapter 8: Managing Incidents and Problems Chapter 9: Managing Crises and Escalations Chapter 10: Controlling Change in Production Environments Chapter 11: Determining Headroom for Applications Chapter 12: Establishing Architectural Principles Chapter 13: Joint Architecture Design and Architecture Review Board Chapter 14: Agile Architecture Design Chapter 15: Focus on Core Competencies: Build Versus Buy Chapter 16: Determining Risk Chapter 17: Performance and Stress Testing Chapter 18: Barrier Conditions and Rollback Chapter 19: Fast or Right? Chapter 20: Designing for Any Technology Chapter 21: Creating Fault-Isolative Architectural Structures Chapter 22: Introduction to the AKF Scale Cube Chapter 23: Splitting Applications for Scale Chapter 24: Splitting Databases for Scale Chapter 25: Caching for Performance and Scale Chapter 26: Asynchronous Design for Scale Chapter 27: Too Much Data Chapter 28: Grid Computing Chapter 29: Soaring in the Clouds Chapter 30: Making Applications Cloud Ready Chapter 31: Monitoring Applications Chapter 32: Planning Data Centers Chapter 33: Putting It All Together
2022-01-26 09:35:56 11.15MB Art Scalability