适用于RAD Studio 10.3 安装Raize Components 6.2.3 安装包里有说明
2020-01-03 11:16:55 17.8MB RAD Studio 10.3 Raize
7.4.11 26-Nov-18 RAD Studio 10.3 Rio is supported Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed Bug with the Refresh method of TVirualQuery is fixed Bug with handling BCD fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed Bug with updating fields which have data type mapping in TVirtualQuery is fixed Oracle data provider Oracle 18c is supported Implicit result sets in Oracle 12 are supported Bug with detecting time zone when connecting in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with using an extended string in DML statements in Oracle 12 is fixed Bug with using the IFILE option in TNSNAMES.ORA is fixed SQLServer data provider QuoteNames option in TUniLoader to escape field names is added Bug with mapping a TEXT field to ftWideMemo in Delphi is fixed Bug with SQL statements containing a CONTAINS predicate in the WHERE clause is fixed Bug with application freezing when executing a stored procedure is fixed Bug with editing the ConnectString property in TUniConnection in design-time editor is fixed Bug with XML field types when clearing data is fixed Bug with setting "MSOLEDBSQL.1" value for the TUniConnection.ConnectString property is fixed MySQL data provider Support for PAM and Windows authentications is added Bug in TUniDump with backuping stored procedures in MySQL 8 is fixed Bug with describing binary fields is fixed InterBase data provider Possibility to write large blobs by pieces is added PostgreSQL data provider PostgreSQL 11 is supported SQLite data provider Support for the BreakExec method in the Query component is added Bug in TUniDump with dumping national characters when UseUnicode is True is fixed ASE data provider Bug with AssignConnect is fixed MongoDB data provider Bug with re-setting a query for the Query component is fixed DBF data provider Detection of the file format when the DBFFormat option
2019-12-21 22:26:09 98.62MB UNIDAC delphi
试过很多其它的KegGen 不是这问题就是那问题 这个是最好的 支持的版本最多 最完美 里面包含各个版本的下载链接 Md5码等 强烈建议下载
2019-12-21 22:18:45 662KB Embarcadero RAD Studio Keygen
RAD Studio 10.3.0 Rio 里约 RAD10.3 激活,亲测可用 现在有很多已经不能用了。
2019-12-21 21:09:41 913KB RAD Studio  10.3 激活
IBM RAD v7.0 中文安装手册, 使用IBM Installation Manager 来安装 IBM Rational Application Developer
2019-12-21 21:00:40 1.01MB IBM RAD v7.0 中文安装手册
RAD Studio 10.3.0 4364 keygen RAD Studio 10.3.0 4364 keygen 支持delphi c++builder10.3.0 4364的一键激活!同时向下兼容激活10.0 10.1 10.2等版本。
2019-12-21 20:59:52 2.49MB 4364 RAD-Studio keygen  delphi
How to Use: 1. Download *.iso image http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10.3/delphicbuilder10_3_1_194899.iso MD5: 32094197e03e2f18bca1d2f612830cd4 RAD Studio 10.3.1 Version: 26.0.33219.4899 InterBase 2017 Version: 2. Mount *.iso image and run intstallation process, select language, Set Checkbox that you agree with License agreement, click "Next >" Now you are on the "Input License" page... 3. Click "" in the Setup page and continue installation process... 6. When Installation has finished, click "Patch RAD Studio" then select IB Instance, click "Patch InterBase". 7. Start RAD Studio as ‪Administrator for the first time, and start InterBase Service Instance. =============================================================== Skip a step 3 and 6 above for RAD Studio XE6,7,8 installation, just copy and paste the Serial Number from the keygen to the RAD Studio Installer directly. When Installation has finished, click "P‫atch RAD Studio" and Start RAD Studio as‪ Administrator for the first time. Copy "Registration Code"from "Embarcadero Product Registration" License Manager to the "Registration Code" box of the keygen, click "G‪enerate". Click "Cancel" on "Embarcadero Product Registration" License Manager, and continue using RAD Studio. =============================================================== Enjoy!!!
2019-12-21 20:59:52 642KB rad-studio delphi c++builder xe10
Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010破解文件
2019-12-21 20:25:59 2.01MB Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010
RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo v25.0.31059.3231 最新破解补丁 参见:Readme.txt
2019-12-21 20:24:53 676KB delphi 补丁
亲测 亲测可用 亲测 RAD Studio/Delphi 2010 3615破解包
2019-12-21 20:05:29 652KB Delphi 2010 3615破解包