matlab人头检测的代码<<<<<<< HEAD Unscented卡尔曼滤波器项目入门代码 无人驾驶汽车工程师纳米学位课程 在该项目中,利用无味卡尔曼滤波器,通过有声雷达和雷达测量来估计感兴趣的运动物体的状态。 通过项目要求获得的RMSE值低于项目重现中概述的公差。 该项目涉及Term 2 Simulator,可以下载 该存储库包含两个文件,可用于为Linux或Mac系统设置和安装这些文件。 对于Windows,您可以使用Docker,VMware或什至安装uWebSocketIO。 请参阅以获取所需的版本和安装脚本。 一旦完成uWebSocketIO的安装,就可以通过从项目顶层目录执行以下操作来构建和运行主程序。 mkdir构建 光盘制作 cmake .. 制作 ./UnscentedKF 请注意,完成该项目所需编写的程序是src / ukf.cpp,src / ukf.h,tools.cpp和tools.h。 程序main.cpp已经填写完毕,但是可以对其进行修改。 这是main.cpp用于uWebSocketIO与模拟器进行通信时使用的主要协议。 输入:模拟器提供给C ++程
2021-10-14 09:38:14 4.77MB 系统开源
Simulation is integral to the successful design of modern radar systems, and there is arguably no better software for this purpose than MATLAB. But software and the ability to use it does not guarantee success. One must also: Ö Understand radar operations and design philosophy Ö Know how to select the radar parameters to meet the design requirements Ö Be able to perform detailed trade-off analysis in the context of radar sizing, modes of operation, frequency selection, waveforms, and signal processing Ö Develop loss and error budgets associated with the design MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design teaches all of this and provides the M-files and hands-on simulation experience needed to design and analyze radar systems. Part I forms a comprehensive description of radar systems, their analysis, and the design process. The authors' unique approach involves a design case study introduced in Chapter 1 and followed throughout the text. As the treatment progresses, the complexity increases and the case study requirements are adjusted accordingly. Part II presents a series of chapters-some authored by other experts in the field-on specialized radar topics important to a full understanding of radar systems design and analysis. A comprehensive set of MATLAB programs and functions support both parts of the book and are available for download from the CRC Press Web site.
2021-10-10 16:12:48 7.08MB radar systems de matlab
An introduction to passive radarGriffiths, Hugh D; Baker, Christopher JGriffiths, Hugh DBaker
2021-10-09 14:10:52 21.94MB 外辐射源雷达
2021-10-08 23:04:57 52.7MB Stimson 机载雷达导论 雷达原理
图3.9 恒虚警检测器原理框图 实际工作时,为了减少虚警点,选择二维恒虚警检测,先在距离维做滑窗处 理,完成距离维的恒虚警检测,如果检测单元超过门限,然后对这个检测单元再 做一次多普勒维的恒虚警检测。因为杂点有可能距离维过了门限,但是不满足多 普勒维的检测门限,经过两维检测之后可以减少杂点。又因为同一个目标信号有 可能在相邻的多普勒滤波器中都有输出,所以可以在每个距离单元上进行简单的 选大,如此,在一个距离单元上只对应一个多普勒频率值,使目标多普勒频率更 加精确。
2021-10-02 11:28:47 2.28MB MIMO RADAR SIGNAL PROCESSIN
matlab中微多普勒代码 MA_RADAR Initial matlab code for Micro-Doppler project (Master's thesis)
2021-09-30 17:42:38 7.76MB 系统开源
雷达目标识别的遗传算法代码 很值得参考 辛苦得到的
2021-09-29 08:02:24 2KB 目标识别 radar 遗传算法
雷达信号处理 chirpZ变化代码 初学者可以参考一下
2021-09-28 18:03:24 94KB CZT雷达 radar CZT chirpz