用于intel C++ 编译器2013的license
2021-08-27 00:26:13 581B intel c++ compiler
信息 作为硕士论文的一部分,对C ++中实现的顺序排序算法与CUDA中实现的并行排序算法之间的比较进行了研究。 我们实现了七个算法:双音排序,多步双音排序,自适应双音排序,合并排序,快速排序,基数排序和样本排序。 顺序算法是在使用C ++的CPU上实现的,而并行算法是在使用CUDA平台的GPU上实现的。 我们改进了上述实现,并采用了它们,以便能够对任意长度的输入序列进行排序。 我们在六个不同的输入分布上比较了算法,这些分布包括32位数字,32位键值对,64位数字和64位键值对。 结果表明,基数排序是最快的顺序排序算法,而基数排序和合并排序是最快的并行排序算法(取决于输入分布)。 与顺序实现相比,通过并行实现,我们最多可实现157倍的加速。 作者:DarkoBožidar 导师:TomažDobravec博士 资料下载 结果: : 硕士学位论文(斯洛文尼亚版) : : usp
2021-08-26 10:15:00 123KB C++
parallel_debug(并口调试) parallel_debug(并口调试)
2021-08-20 00:46:05 530KB parallel_debug(并口调试)
Intel编译器可用注册码,亲测parallel_studio_xe_2011_sp1_update2_novsshell_setup.exe是正常的. 而对于其他的版本目前没有测试
2021-08-11 21:55:32 3KB Intel Parallel Studio XE
Activiti 学习笔记九:并行网关(parallelGateWay)
2021-07-30 14:19:04 22.2MB Activiti 并行 网关 parallel
2021-07-23 20:00:49 3KB linux intel
并联机构外文资料,parallel mechanisms (PMs) have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities. Compared with the more commonly used serial robots, the parallel one has attractive advantages in accuracy, rigidity, capacity, and load-to-weight ratio. The PMs have been and are being used in a wide variety of applications such as motion simulators, parallel manipulators, nanomanipulators, and micro-manipulators. In recent years, the research and application have evolved from general six-DOF PMs to lower-mobility PMs. The essential reason is that lower-mobility PMs have similar applications to general six-DOF PMs, while they are much simpler in structure and cheaper in cost. The research of lower-mobility PMs has become new hot point. A great deal of research on lowermobility PM has been carried out all over the world, and a large number of new mechanisms, such as Delta, Tricept, and medical robots, have been built for various applications.
2021-07-19 10:18:13 12.26MB robot  parelle
Intel最新版本的并行开发工具包,包含并行C++编译器icc和并行Fortran编译器ifort,以及相关的Intel并行函数库。 网盘目录下有三个文件: Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 x64.rar(Windows版) Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Linux.zip(Linux版) Intel Parallel Studio XE All Licenses.zip(License文件)
2021-07-16 02:45:52 120B icc ifort Parallel Studio
INTEL PARALLE STUDIO 2015的破解文件,适用于windows及linux平台 使用方式: 1. 启动程序 2. 安装时选择使用其他方式验证license 3. 选择文件验证方式
2021-07-14 20:02:13 734B paralle studio license key
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018破解版,内含lic, 此资源仅供学习使用,请支持正版
2021-07-12 20:50:17 199B Intel Parall Fortran