Reduced-Rank MDL Method for Source Enumeration in High-Resolution Array Processing
2021-09-26 20:04:35 1.1MB 研究论文
杨庆雄 立体匹配算法 A Non-Local Cost Aggregation Method for Stereo Matching论文源代码 c++ vs2019 可直接运行无需配置
2021-09-26 14:05:54 10.4MB 立体匹配 最小生成树MST c++
%% 有限差分显式方法(迭代),D = 扩散率:Fick 的第二扩散定律% by Prof. Roche C. de Guzman 清除; clc; 关闭所有'); %% 给定xi = 0; xf = 0.6; dx = 0.04; % x 范围和步长 = dx [m] xL = 0; xU = 0.1; % 初始值 x 下限和上限 [m] ti = 0; tf = 0.05; dt = 4e-4; % t 范围和步长 = dt [s] ci = 2; % 初始浓度值 [ng/L] cLU = 8; x 上下限范围内的 % 初始浓度值 [ng/L] D = 1.5; % 扩散率或扩散系数 [m^2/s] %% 计算%自变量:x和t X = xi:dx:xf; nx = 数字(X); T = ti:dt:tf; nt = numel(T); % x 和 t 向量及其元素数[x,t] = me
2021-09-22 17:16:38 2KB matlab
包含代码和文档 分别用雅克比迭代法和高斯-赛德尔迭代法求解方程组,精确到小数点后6位,分别就 给出相应的计算结果
这本书是创始人之一Osher写的,这本书是论述Level Set的最完整的书籍之一,更偏重于数值化的高精度解,应用领域涉及图像处理以及计算物理。
2021-09-16 09:32:21 5.07MB Level Set Method
Fast MTF measurement of CMOS imagers using ISO 12233 methodology
2021-09-15 17:02:24 429KB 光學調製函數
常规表matlab代码正交设计法 这是用于使用正交表生成实验设计的MATLAB代码。 请注意: 这不是完整的正交设计表,仅考虑所有因素具有相同水平的情况。 仅考虑级别编号{2,3,4,5,7,8,9}。 设计总数为N = level_num ^ strength_num,对于工程问题而言可能太高了。 因此,请仔细选择strength_num。
2021-09-12 09:58:45 16KB 系统开源
2021-09-10 11:05:21 298KB subgradient method
overture使用方法(The use of Overture method).pdf
2021-09-10 09:00:08 4.08MB 1
This brief book on Newton’s method is a user-oriented guide to algorithms and implementation. In just over 100 pages, it shows, via algorithms in pseudocode, in MATLAB, and with several examples, how one can choose an appropriate Newton-type method for a given problem, diagnose problems, and write an efficient solver or apply one written by others. Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newton’s Method contains trouble-shooting guides to the major algorithms, their most common failure modes, and the likely causes of failure. It also includes many worked-out examples (available on the SIAM website) in pseudocode and a collection of MATLAB codes, allowing readers to experiment with the algorithms easily and implement them in other languages.
2021-09-09 23:27:29 494KB nonlinear equations newton Kelley