英国UKCA认证LOGO 矢量文件
2022-04-28 18:07:25 6.66MB UKCA UKCALOGO 英国UKCA
2022-04-28 16:01:34 43KB 经验分享
java Maven版本开发zxing开发二维码(支持logo),可以生成带logo的二维码,也可以不带logo,方便多种选择的工具类代码
2022-04-22 14:47:16 413KB java zin java zxing
CE标志矢量图 CE logo vector ai格式,eps格式,方便认证用
2022-04-16 11:07:31 657KB CE 矢量图 vector eps
2022-04-14 11:36:33 1.6MB 194个汽车品牌logo图片打包
接触过 LOGO 编程语言的人应该都知道这款软件,这也是笔者接触的第一门编程语言,怀念之情难以言表。特将此资源拿出来与大家共享。 注:资源包中包含英文原版和汉化补丁。 以下是原版软件的 README: PC Logo for Windows This file contains the latest information about PC Logo for Windows. PC Logo for Windows installation automatically installs four example programs. These are: Shape Editor The PC Logo for Windows shape editor provides an easy and convenient way to change the turtle shape and save your new shapes as files. The shape editor is written in Logo and also provides an example of using Logo to create a program complete with windows, dialog boxes, buttons, and help. To use the shape editor, load the SHED.LGO file from within Logo or double-click the Shape Editor icon in the Program Manager. Music The MUSIC.LGO file provides an example of using Logo to play music. To listen to the music, load the MUSIC.LGO file from within Logo or double-click the Music icon in the Program Manager. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Squiral The squiral program is an example of a simple Logo procedure that uses recursion to create colorful and complex graphics designs. To see the squirals, load the SQUIRAL.LGO file from within Logo or double-click the Squiral icon in the Program Manager. Shapes The shapes program illustrates using multiple turtles in Logo with different shapes for each of them. To see the different shapes, load the SHAPES.LGO file from within Logo or double-click the Shapes icon in the Program Manager. More information about Logo Many books have been published about teaching Logo and using it to teach a variety of other subjects. Harvard Associates has gathered the best of these books into the PC Logo Library. The PC Logo Library catalog accompanies each copy of PC Logo for Windows. Contact Harvard Associates if you would like a copy of the catalog or wish to order one or more of the selections in the PC Logo Library. Harvard Associates, Inc. 10 Holworthy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A. phone: (617) 492-0660 fax: (617) 492-4610 CompuServe: 70312,243 Internet: 70312.243@compuserve.com If you are contacting Harvard Associates about a Logo programming problem, please use either fax, mail, or electronic mail and include a written example of a Logo procedure that illustrates the problem.
2022-04-11 22:57:12 1.01MB Logo Programming
2022-04-11 17:00:17 2.39MB USB USB4 USB4.0 商标
USB(Type-C) 电缆和额定功率商标(logo)使用指南(解密版)
2022-04-11 17:00:16 3.87MB USB TypeC Type-C logo
2022-04-06 20:05:10 888KB IOS 源码 毕业设计 论文
2022-03-29 02:41:51 622KB 谷歌logo动画