2021-02-22 11:39:27 513KB IP178g
#### 介绍 功能强大的基于HTML5的电路模拟器,circuitjs1的中文版本。 #### 项目说明 本项目是国外开源项目circuitjs1的汉化版本,可模拟绝大多数的电路,适合物理、通用技术教学 原项目地址(Paul):https://github.com/pfalstad/circuitjs1 原项目地址(Iain):https://github.com/sharpie7/circuitjs1 #### 由L-L汉化
2021-02-19 17:01:36 75.61MB 电学 电路 汉化
NI Circuit Design Suite(Multisim)V12.0电路在线实时仿真软件 很强大的电路仿真软件 安装包 欢迎下载安装分享
2021-02-18 11:03:28 551.16MB Multisum CircuitDesign NI 电路仿真
1吋 For R61509.ILI9326.NT39125.SPFD5420A.SSD2220 FPC Circuit.pdf
2021-02-16 20:02:12 148KB tftp
This new graduate textbook in computer engineering offers a modern, up-to-date look at computer aided design of VLSI circuits at the functional and logic level by addressing an interesting topic in CAD for digital circuits: design synthesis of detailed specifications from abstract models. Topics covered include hardware modeling, compilation techniques for hardware models, high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, and library mapping algorithms. Course titles include Digital CAD, Advanced Logic Design or Complements of VLSI Design.
2021-02-13 11:18:04 23.8MB Synthesis Optimization
Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design,4E_Neamen 书配套答案
2021-02-10 22:02:23 6.03MB 微电子电路分析与设计 电路 电子
Quantum fully homomorphicencryption scheme based on universal quantum circuit
2021-02-09 18:05:41 421KB 研究论文
2021-01-28 11:23:07 3.48MB 华莱士树乘法器
Electric Circuits 9/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved over the years to meet the changing learning styles of students, importantly, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged. The goals are: - To build an understanding of concepts and ideas explicitly in terms of previous learning - To emphasize the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem solving approaches - To provide students with a strong foundation of engineering practices.
2020-02-04 03:07:19 37.06MB Circuit Design && 电子电路
Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective Second Edition (数字集成电路——电路、系统与设计)2nd edited. pdf 英文版全文+练习题+答案 本书由美国加州大学伯克利分校Jan M. Rabaey教授撰写。全书共12章,分为三个部分:基本单元、电路设计和系统设计。本书在对MOS器件和连线的特性做了简要介绍之后,深入分析了数字设计的核心——invertor, combinational circuit design,sequential circuit design, ..控制器、运算电路以及存储器这些复杂数字电路与系统的设计中。为了反映数字集成电路设计进入深亚微米领域后正在发生的深刻变化,第二版增加了许多新的内容,并以0.25微米CMOS工艺的实际电路为例,讨论了深亚微米器件效应、电路最优化、互连线建模和优化、信号完整性、时序分析、时钟分配、高性能和低功耗设计、设计验证、芯片测试和可测性设计等主题,着重探讨了深亚微米数字集成电路设计面临的挑战和启示。
2020-01-08 03:05:50 9.93MB 数字电路设计 VLSI