夏普Sharp AR-2421X 驱动下载安装 使用中有任何问题可以关注并私信,如果资源对您有帮助记得关注收藏好评哟!
2022-10-18 14:01:55 15.94MB 驱动程序
夏普Sharp AR-2821R 驱动下载安装 使用中有任何问题可以关注并私信,如果资源对您有帮助记得关注收藏好评哟!
2022-10-18 14:01:54 15.94MB 驱动程序
夏普Sharp AR-3121R 驱动下载安装 使用中有任何问题可以关注并私信,如果资源对您有帮助记得关注收藏好评哟!
2022-10-18 14:01:53 15.94MB 驱动程序
夏普Sharp AR-4821DZ 驱动下载安装 使用中有任何问题可以关注并私信,如果资源对您有帮助记得关注收藏好评哟!
2022-10-18 14:01:52 11.11MB 驱动程序
KNN算法主要用于分类问题。 它的核心思想是: 给定一个预测目标 计算预测目标和所有样本之间的距离或者相似度 选择距离最近的前K个样本 通过投票来决定分类 sklearn包中自带的iris样本数据集,这里用这个数据集来练习knn算法。 1、iris数据集的介绍 参考:这一块内容昨天看了一篇博文,忘记地址了。 数据集内包含 3 类共 150 条记录,每类各 50 个数据。 每条记录都有 4 个特征:花萼长度、花萼宽度、花瓣长度、花瓣宽度。 鸢尾花有三个品种:iris-setosa, iris-versicolour, iris-virginica。 通过这4个特征预测鸢尾花属于哪个品种。 需导入
2022-10-16 23:46:53 51KB ar le
AR 18系列路由器网络协议命令手册
2022-10-13 19:06:42 395KB AR18系列路由器网络协议命令
Beginnings are important. Beginnings are when we establish trust and de ne much of how a relationship will progress. The new formats of virtual reality (VR), alternate reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) are at a beginning. These new “realities” are at a delicate stage and I sincerely believe they will de ne a new era of communications and entertainment. There is a risk, however, that if they are not presented in the right way or form the right relationships, they could easily just become another tech fad, another grab for quick cash from some people new realities 1 2 new realities in audio wanting to take advantage of unwitting consumers looking for the next big thing. If this happens then these new formats are going to fail. Let me begin, therefore, by stating I do not consider myself an expert in the new realities, not yet at least. I have spent the past few years exploring, discovering, and researching possibilities. I have worked for several leading companies specializing in the new reali- ties and have participated in some very exciting projects. I am also incredibly passionate about the creative potential offered by these new formats. I believe that we have opened up an area that is so new to all of us, and potentially so very different to everything we have used up till now, that it would be unrealistic for anyone to claim to be an “expert” just yet.
2022-10-12 16:49:17 121.24MB Video Audio AR VR
前言 由于小程序中的textarea组件是原生组件,而原生组件的层级是最高的,所以页面中的其他组件无论设置 z-index 为多少,都无法盖在原生组件上,造成输入的文字会显示在小程序其他组件上,如下图所示: ar bottomfix shadow justify-center'> <button class='' formType=submit type=primary style='font-size:12pt;border:0px;width:300px;'> 保 存</button> 网上有一些绕弯路的解决办法,其实小程序有一个直
2022-10-12 01:13:18 285KB ar ex ext
联想AR解决方案适用于不方便去现场的制造业用户,帮助他们实现远程验收, 远程出货,远程技术指导等;以及需要技术人员远程排查故障,初级人员在前端,专家在后端(PC/平板)。共享前端学员视野,专家能够提供远程指导,在学员视野中能够看到专家传递的文档,视频和在空间中的图案。
2022-10-10 13:05:10 786.13MB ar sdk unity3d
Android 跨进程SharedPreferences异常详解 Context c = null; try { c = context.createPackageContext(PREFERENCE_PACKAGE, Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (c != null) { SharedPreferences infoSp = c.getSha
2022-10-10 09:15:34 29KB ar c ce