2019-12-21 19:32:27 2.24MB 风电仿真系统
In this paper, we investigate the representation of wind power forecasting (WPF) uncertainty in the unit commitment (UC) problem. While deterministic approaches use a point forecast of wind power output, WPF uncertainty in the stochastic UC alternative is captured by a number of scenarios that include crosstemporal dependency. A comparison among a diversity of UC strategies (based on a set of realistic experiments) is presented. The results indicate that representing WPF uncertainty with wind power scenarios that rely on stochastic UC has advantages over deterministic approaches that mimic the classical models. Moreover, the stochastic model provides a rational and adaptive way to provide adequate spinning reserves at every hour, as opposed to increasing reserves to predefined, fixed margins that cannot account either for the system’s costs or its assumed risks.
2019-12-21 18:56:50 348KB 风功率 预测 风电场 机组组合
1、PSCAD风机建模是永磁的直驱全功率变频风机; 2、PSCAD版本是4.5,非4.2的; 3、模型搭建是参照网上的《PSCAD风机和风电场建模教程》(附件有); 4、BPA向PSCAD参数转换涉及的励磁模型、PSS模型的等的互转; 5、祝大家仿真成功,可以留言交流。 6、挂个2积分,存粹是交流为主。 7、没有仿真成功的,请勿喷。我在我的系统已经仿真成功。
2019-10-17 19:03:30 4.64MB PSCAD直驱