VC Teechart5 、Teechart8集合(带详细文档) 都是已经破解过的 使用过程中 发现 Teechart8版本比 Tee chart5 版本 多了平滑曲线。其他方面感觉两者差别不大。 个人工作这几年来看 VC中 Teechart 是目前功能最强大的曲线控件, 使用方法和中文函数文档里边都有,里面东西很多 ,亲测可用。
2019-12-21 20:41:16 52.37MB VC  曲线控件
Requirements 1. Simulate a Unix file system on your Windows Platform 2. Understand the file system on Unix system, and the usage of i-nodes 3. Implement the function of sub-directory 4. The task needs to be completed using C++ or C 5. Tasks/Functionalities The following functions are required in your file system: 1. Allocate 16MB space in memory as the storage for your file system. The space is divided as blocks with block size 1KB Assume block address length is 32-bit; Design the information contained in i-node The i-node should support up to 10 direct block addresses The i-node should support at least one indirect block address 2. The fist block is used for storing the i-node for the root directory(/). While your program is lunched, two directories (/dir1 and / dir1/dir2) should be created, and also two files need to be written as /dir1/file1 and /dir1/dir2/file2 (5 marks) 3. File 1 and 2 contain the message of “This is file 1.” and “This is file2”. 4. Following commands should be supported in your system: a) Create a file:createFile fileName fileSize (10 marks) i.e.:createFile /dir1/myFile 1024 (in bytes) if fileSiz > max file size, print out an error message. The file content is filled up with filename + repeated digits from 0 - 9 i.e.: “myFile012345678901234567890123….” b) Delete a file:deleteFile filename (10 marks) i.e.:deleteFile /dir1/myFile c) Create a directory:createDir (5 marks) i.e.:createDir /dir1/sub1 d) Delete a directory:deleteDir (5 marks) i.e.: deleteDir /dir1/sub1 (The current working directory is not allowed to be deleted) e) Change current working direcotry:changeDir (5 marks) i.e.: changeDir /dir2 f) List all the files and sub-directories under current working directory:dir (5 marks) You also need to list at least two file attributes. (i.e. file size, time created, etc.) g) Copy a file : cp (5 marks) i.e.: file1 file2 h) Display the usage of storage space:sum (10 marks) Display the usage of the 16MB
2019-12-21 20:28:55 1.27MB 文件系统
2019-12-21 20:27:49 7.84MB TM4C
2019-12-21 20:15:21 7.36MB 支付宝 接口
小型超市管理系统用例建模,小型超市管理系统交互图建模, 小型超市管理系统类图建模,小型超市管理系统活动图、状态图建模 一、摘要 通过本实验掌握小型应用系统类模型的建立,具体包含如下内容: 1、在用例建模的基础上通过用例分析法和名词分析法寻找类; 2、确定类之间的关系; 3、掌握类图建模的基本步骤; 4、学会使用Rational Rose绘制类模型。 二、实验目的及要求 1、掌握类的寻找方法; 2、掌握类图建模的基本步骤; 3、学会使用Rational Rose绘制用例图。 三、实验仪器设备 计算机+Rational Rose+Office 四、实验方案设计 1、通过用例描述寻找类; 2、确定类之间的关系,并使用Rational Rose绘制类图; 五、实验内容及步骤 六、结果与讨论
2019-12-21 19:49:45 2.71MB uml RUP four
TI的各种2.4G 板载天线的官方详细文档,包括倒F型、流线型、YAGI、单极天线、折叠偶极子天线等
2019-12-21 19:42:35 6.08MB TI 2.4G 板载天线 官方详细文档
2019-12-21 19:35:59 1.28MB es6 javascript
C#五子棋 课程设计(含详细文档)对课程设计很有用!
2019-12-21 19:29:02 793KB C#五子棋 课程设计
海思 hi 3516 ev100的开发详细文档资料,有api参考,有sample
2019-12-21 19:22:57 14.92MB hi3516ev100
本资源包括基于winpcap的网络嗅探器源码,可执行文件还有设计文档。系统用Visual MFC C++开发,可监听网络数据包,过滤数据包等。
2019-12-21 18:58:42 20.52MB winpcap 网络嗅探器 VC++ 中科院课设