ProFuzzer__On-the-fly_Input_Type_Probing_for_Better_Zero-day_Vulnerability_Discovery(ProFuzzer__基于运行时类型嗅探技术提高模糊测试的漏洞发掘效果) 解决方案 云安全 安全众测 信息安全 身份与访问管理
2021-09-10 11:00:10 1.68MB 安全人才 应急响应 零信任 信息安全
硬件标准电路——android 平台下 基于USB2.0协议的TYPE-C接口电路
2021-09-08 11:04:29 23.1MB TYPE-C
STM32H750VBT6+LAN8720A+LAN8720A+USB type C ALTIUM设计原理图库+PCB封装库 AD设计的原理图PCB封装库文件,PCBF封装为3D视图封装,已在项目中验证使用,可以直接应用到你的项目设计中,也可以做为你的设计参考 原理图库器件型号列表如下: Library Component Count : 29 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMS1117 三端稳压芯片 BAT54C 表贴肖特基二极管 C 无极性贴片电容 CRYSTAL_32K Crystal Cap Capacitor FPC0.5-24P 贴片 FU 贴片保险丝 HR911105 Header 2 Header, 2-Pin L LAN8720 ETH PHY LED Typical RED, GREEN, YELLOW, AMBER GaAs LED MAX3485 PNP PNP三极管 Pin HDR2X20 R 贴片电阻 Res Resister SN65HVD230D STM32H750VBT6 Socket Socket TCAP 钽电容 TEST-POINT 测试点 TSW 轻触开关 USB type C W25Qxx 外置Flash XC6206-3.3 SOT-23,XC6206P332MR,MAX8V,100mA XTAL-4P 4脚无源晶振 XTAL_3225 Crystal Oscillator microSD
2021-09-08 09:09:24 4.26MB STM32H750VBT6 LAN8720A
2021-09-08 09:03:20 2.78MB
STM32H750VBT6+LAN8720A+microSD+USB type C ALTIUM设计原理图库+PCB封装库 STM32H750VBT6+LAN8720A+microSD+USB type C ALTIUM设计原理图库+PCB封装库, AD设计的原理图PCB封装库文件,PCBF封装为3D视图封装,已在项目中验证使用,可以直接应用到你的项目设计中,也可以做为你的设计参考 原理图库器件型号列表如下: Library Component Count : 29 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMS1117 三端稳压芯片 BAT54C 表贴肖特基二极管 C 无极性贴片电容 CRYSTAL_32K Crystal Cap Capacitor FPC0.5-24P 贴片 FU 贴片保险丝 HR911105 Header 2 Header, 2-Pin L LAN8720 ETH PHY LED Typical RED, GREEN, YELLOW, AMBER GaAs LED MAX3485 PNP PNP三极管 Pin HDR2X20 R 贴片电阻 Res Resister SN65HVD230D STM32H750VBT6 Socket Socket TCAP 钽电容 TEST-POINT 测试点 TSW 轻触开关 USB type C W25Qxx 外置Flash XC6206-3.3 SOT-23,XC6206P332MR,MAX8V,100mA XTAL-4P 4脚无源晶振 XTAL_3225 Crystal Oscillator microSD
2021-09-07 18:07:24 4.26MB PCB封装库 STM32H750VBT6 LAN8720A
该文档是USB Type-C 1,2的协议,在消费类电子特别是手机上type-c口使用越来越普遍。
2021-09-07 13:27:39 6.72MB USB type-c 1.2
Type Theory 入门好书 Type-theory is one of the most important tools in the design of higher-level programming languages, such as ML. This book introduces and teaches its techniques by focussing on one particularly neat system and studying it in detail. In this way, all the key ideas are covered without getting involved in the complications of more advanced systems, but concentrating rather on the principles that make the theory work in practice. The mathematical presentation is rigorous but clear, making it the first book at this level which can be used as introduction to type theory for computer scientists.
2021-09-07 12:25:45 1.58MB type theory
注意:input[type=file] 标签中的属性accept=application/msword,application/pdf 在pc上正常,但是在手机ios和android上这个文件格式限制会被忽略,所以需要在js中增加格式的判断,以及对应显示样式的设置.(我也是刚发现,如果有遇到这个问题的可以参考下—下面有更改:) “` <head-top id=header> Appl
2021-09-06 17:38:58 78KB file formdata IN
NFC Record Type Definition (RTD) Technical Specification
2021-09-03 18:02:58 215KB
NFC Generic Control Record Type Definition Technical Specification
2021-09-03 18:02:58 247KB