Ray Wenderlich出版的iOS书籍,是许多iOS开发者所喜爱的,除了详尽的讲解及例子,内容丰富也是一大原因。本平台带来最新版iOS 11 by Tutorials pdf+epu以及源码下载,需要的朋友可下载试试! RayWenderlich最新出版书籍iOS 11 by Tutorials ,包括了iOS 11 + Swift 4,CoreML、ARKit等新的开发技术,将大家分享!Discover the new features for developers in iOS 11, such as ARKit, Core ML, Vision, drag & drop, document browsing, the new changes in Xcode 9 and Swift 4 — and much, much more Table of Contents: Overview Introduction ............................................................. 13 Chapter 1: Whatʼs New in Swift 4 ........................... 19 Chapter 2: Whatʼs New In Foundation ................... 38 Chapter 3: Whatʼs New in Xcode 9........................ 59 Chapter 4: Whatʼs new in UIKit .............................. 79 Chapter 5: Whatʼs New in Layout......................... 100 Chapter 6: Beginning Drag and Drop................... 120 Chapter 7: Advanced Drag and Drop ................... 141 Chapter 8: Document Based Apps ...................... 163 Chapter 9: Core ML & Vision Framework............. 180 Chapter 10: Natural Language Processing.......... 200 Chapter 11: Introduction to ARKit ......................... 217 Chapter 12: PDFKit ............................................... 236 Chapter 13: MusicKit ............................................ 254 Chapter 14: Password AutoFill ............................. 276 Chapter 15: Dynamic Type................................... 289 Conclusion............................................................ 306
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著名移动开发教学网站RayWenderlich 出品的付费电子书。基于Swift 4 最佳的2D iOS游戏开发教程
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Catalyst by Tutorials v1 - iOS 13 + Swift 5.1 + XCode 11(含 Source Code)
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Push Notifications by Tutorials (Swift 4.2)
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Raywenderlich: Concurrency by Tutorials Raywenderlich: Concurrency by Tutorials Raywenderlich: Concurrency by Tutorials
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Raywenderlich: iOS Test Driven Development by Tutorials
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A book on creating delightful iOS animations in Swift! From beginning to advanced topics like layer animations, view controller transitions, and more. Currently updated to: Platform: iOS13; Language: Swift5.1; Editor: Xcode11
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这本书教你如何为你的iOS应用程序编写高性能和并发代码。 了解什么是并发,为什么你甚至想在你的应用程序中使用它? 了解Grand Central Dispatch,Apple对C的libdispatch的实现,也称为GCD,因为它是排队任务并行运行的最简单方法之一。 然后,当GCD没有完全削减它时,采取操作和操作队列; 您将学习如何进一步定制和重用您的并发工作。 然后,您将学习在开发并发应用程序时可能遇到的常见并发问题,例如Race Conditions,Deadlocks等。 最后,了解线程和线程清理程序以及各种与线程相关的概念以及这些概念如何与您在本书中积累的知识相关联。 您还将学习如何在出现问题时使用Thread Sanitizer来简化调试。
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Delphi 10.1 Berlin移动开发指南完整版,《Mobile Tutorials RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin》,官方英文原版手册,图文并茂
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