这是 衍生出来的辅助工具包,内含生成器等功能; 作者: 推荐改用 dotnet-tool 命令行工具生成实体类,以便后续一键重复生成复盖: dotnet tool install -g FreeSql.Generator 新建目录,在地址栏输入 cmd 快速打开命令窗口,输入命令: FreeSql.Generator --help 命令行工具生成实体类,后续的重新生成操作(一键完成)、并且支持 Mac/Linux 系统。 WPF 版本 支持 MySql/PostgreSQL/SqlServer/Oracle/Sqlite 数据库生成 WinForm + DSkin 版本 运行源码请将 FreeSql.Tools.DSkin.dll.ref/* 复制到 bin 目录下 支持 MySql/PostgreSQL/SqlServer/Oracle 数据库生成,不支持 Sqlite
2023-01-11 22:28:55 37.05MB C#
VMware tools 6.0 早期虚拟机系统
2023-01-09 16:53:03 12.95MB VMware tools 6.0
hmm模型matlab代码Mattia的ML工具 高斯混合模型,隐马尔可夫模型和相关算法的另一个Matlab实现。 为学习而构建,用于下面引用的我的HRI'18论文。 该代码使用了Tom Minka的两个库: 快速安装: 光速: 详细: 高斯混合模型(GMM):概率,梯度和熵计算 HMM:HMM的推理和学习(MLE,仅针对多元正态发射概率的MAP) 部分HMM(PHMM):推理和学习(MLE,MAP仅针对多元正态发射概率) 多元正态分布(MVN):MLE,MAP,后验预测,熵计算,梯度评估 多元T学生分布(MVST):用于MVN的后验,拉普拉斯近似 分类分布:推理和学习(MLE,MAP) Dirichlet分布:推理和学习(MLE,Weigthed MLE,熵,KL散度) 数值稳定:对数概率空间实现 参考: 拉卡(Racca),马蒂亚(Mattia)和基尔基·维尔(Kyrki Ville)。 “针对时间任务模型的主动机器人学习。” 2018年ACM / IEEE人机交互国际会议论文集,纽约,纽约,美国,2018年,第123–131页。 汤姆敏卡。 “估计Dirichlet分布。” 技术
2023-01-09 00:08:22 32KB 系统开源
我想说的是这类书不多,所以必定是好书。哇靠,大家支持啊。虽然很多人有这本书但是就是不分享啊。 Features •Emphasizes the latest state-of-the-art object-oriented methods wherever possible •Covers a large spectrum of computational tools, including sorting algorithms and Monte Carlo methods •Contains working C# code and numerous practical examples that illustrate how to apply the computational tools •Provides the C# source code online Summary Comprehensive Coverage of the New, Easy-to-Learn C# Although C, C++, Java, and Fortran are well-established programming languages, the relatively new C# is much easier to use for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Tools in C# presents a broad collection of practical, ready-to-use mathematical routines employing the exciting, easy-to-learn C# programming language from Microsoft. The book focuses on standard numerical methods, novel object-oriented techniques, and the latest Microsoft .NET programming environment. It covers complex number functions, data sorting and searching algorithms, bit manipulation, interpolation methods, numerical manipulation of linear algebraic equations, and numerical methods for calculating approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The author discusses alternative ways to obtain computer-generated pseudo-random numbers and real random numbers generated by naturally occurring physical phenomena. He also describes various methods for approximating integrals and special functions, routines for performing statistical analyses of data, and least squares and numerical curve fitting methods for analyzing experimental data, along with numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The final chapter offers optimization methods for the minimization or maximization of functions. Exploiting the useful features of C#, this book shows how to write efficient, mathematically intense object-oriented computer programs. The vast array of practical examples presented can be easily customized and implemented to solve complex engineering and scientific problems typically found in real-world computer applications.
2023-01-07 11:54:00 3.04MB Numerical Methods Algorithms and
Unity3D SRDebugger - Console & Tools On-Device 1.9 调试工具 Unity3D SRDebugger - Console & Tools On-Device 1.9 调试工具
2023-01-05 22:29:20 1.14MB unity3d
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2023-01-05 18:22:08 241KB PE Tools v1.5.700
PE Tools绿色版它是一款著名的PE编辑重建软件,接触过加密解密的应该都知道这款工具,其功能强大甚至取代了老牌的LordPE。PE Tools可让您更深入的了解PE文件的构造以及流程,程序内置了反汇编编辑器、转储、重建、比较、分析等功能。
2023-01-05 18:13:44 1.1MB pe
流口水热身工具 Drools kbase预热工具,以提高性能。 用法 WarmUpHelper helper = new WarmUpHelper(); helper.analyze(kBase); // analyze your kbase first. Mandatory helper.optimizeAlphaNodeConstraints(); // optimize constraints. Optional Object[] facts = new Object[FACT_NUM]; for (int i = 0; i < FACT xss=removed> globalMap = new HashMap
2023-01-04 19:02:44 435KB Java
IP Tools,IP查询工具,ping工具,网络工具包用于分析网络情况。它具备IP查询、ping查询、DNS查询、Whios查询、路由追踪、IP计算器、IP地址/主机转换、无线网络探测器、端口扫描、局域网扫描等功能。
2023-01-04 13:23:00 11.33MB IP查询工具
2023-01-02 09:18:48 6.72MB sdb_bank_tools