PCI_Express_M.2_Specification 最新版本规格书V1.1。 PCI SIG官方网站权威发布文件。 基于V1.0变更如下内容: Incorporated the following ECNs:  Transition of NFC Signals from 3.3V to 1.8V ECN  M.2 COEX Signal Definition – UART ECN  M.2 2242 WWAN Module ECN  M.2 Signal Definition – Audio & ANTCTL Functions ECN  Tx Blanking and SYSCLK on Socket 1 Related Pinouts ECN  Power-up Requirements for PCIe Side Bands (PERST#, etc.) ECN  Power-up Requirements for PCIe Side Bands in a VBAT Powered System ECN  MiniEx_M2_ECN_SMBus_for_SSD_Socket2_Socket3 - 1112_14  WWAN_Key_C_Definition_ECN_WW12.3  SMBus ECN, Clarification  BGA-SSD ECN  M.2 SSIC Eye Limits Definitions Other changes:  Incorporated all changes from M2_10 Errata Table and Backup of M 2 Rev1 0 Errata Table 04292015-6.8Added section 6.8, High Speed Differential Pair AC Coupling Cap Values and Cap Location Examples  Changed all Mid-Line and Mid-plane to Mid-mount per WG decision。 The M.2 family comprised of several module sizes and designated by the following names (see Figure 2):  Type 1216  Type 1620  Type 1630  Type 2024  Type 2226  Type 2228  Type 2230  Type 2242  Type 2260  Type 2280  Type 2828  Type 3026  Type 3030  Type 3042  Type 22110
2022-08-02 17:23:32 7.81MB M.2 Spec M.2定义 ngff定义
This document is organized in a top down manner from the point of view of the PXE client “boot behavior”. 这份是网卡启动 PXE 启动的Spec,详细讲解了网卡legacy 启动(PXE boot)的流程和协议。
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mpc5604 --- Autosar_Specification_4.0.3
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PC104相关的PC/104 PCI-104 PC/104-Plus PCI104E总线规范,压缩在一个包中,最新版本的英文Specification
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Wi-Fi_Simple_Configuration_Technical_Specification_v2.0.5(2014年8月4日-官网最新版本) 附官网地址:https://wi-fi.org/zh-hans/discover-wi-fi/specifications
2022-07-29 15:36:21 1.33MB WSC
DISCLAIMER Intel makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Intel reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Intel to notify any person of such revision or changes. The publication of this specification should not be construed as a commitment on Intel's part to implement any product.
2022-07-28 09:51:51 20KB Hex
最新的usb4.0协议,包含了一些官方说明。 我把usb1.0的文档也打包进去了,有需要的请下载
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USB3_Vison_Specification u3v vision中文协议手册,翻译的,如有错误以英文为准 u3v是做工业相机的标准协议,海康大华都有
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SD Memory Card Specifications,比较详细,大概有800页左右,对于SD卡的相关功能介绍比较详细,对于搞存储卡研究的比较有帮助
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