RUL来自振动信号 问题:要预测轴承在工业资产(如泵,压缩机,变速箱等)中的剩余寿命,请查看支持文件。 参考研究论文:ANN泵寿命预测.pdf 有关数据,请联系: 可交付成果: •显示RMS和峰度的图形•Weibull危险率和参数估计(形状和比例参数) 培训和验证集的结果 •测试仪的输出性能 •建议模型的训练和验证错误(如参考研究论文所示) •多传感器融合的想法,可以实际预测整个旋转设备的剩余用途
2022-03-08 20:58:53 7MB JupyterNotebook
Design and Implementation of small microphone arrays
2022-03-06 22:49:57 13.38MB array signal processing
雷达信号处理基础(第二版) 雷达信号处理基础(第二版)
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MIMO Radar:Theory and Application,J. Bergin, J.R. Guerci,2018.(231s).pdf
2022-03-06 12:29:38 7.07MB 雷达 MIMO Signal Processin
This book provides an overview and introduction to signal detection and estimation. The book contains numerous examples solved in detail. Since some material on signal detection could be very complex and require a lot of background in engineering math, a chapter and various sections to cover such background are included, so that one can easily understand the intended material. Probability theory and stochastic processes are prerequisites to the fundamentals of signal detection and parameter estimation. Consequently, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 carefully cover these topics. Chapter 2 covers the different distributions that may arise in radar and communication systems. The chapter is presented in such a way that one may not need to use other references. Since the material is essential in many applications of radar, communications, and signal processing, this book can be used as a reference by practicing engineers and physicists. The detailed examples and the problems presented at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for self-study and facilitate teaching a class.
2022-03-04 14:30:37 9.32MB signal detection estimation
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2022-03-03 14:58:50 153KB labview signal express
2022-02-23 16:17:28 667B 傅里叶变换 matlab程序
Signal Processing and Linear Systems B.P.Lathi
2022-02-23 15:15:05 27.48MB Signal Processing Linear Systems