2022-09-22 09:00:29 127KB gui image_processing matlab的gui 图像融合gui
Image Proc calcBackProject_Demo1.zip use c++ on Windows
2022-09-21 22:01:39 4KB calcbackproject image_processing zip
Android DynamicsProcessing 示例程序。Android 9.0新增了用于 DynamicsProcessing 的 AudioEffect API,使用此类,我们可以构建基于通道的音频效果,包括各种类型的多个阶段,包括均衡,多频段压缩和限制。频段和活动阶段的数量是可配置的,并且大多数参数可以实时控制,例如增益、启动/释放时间、阈值等。
2022-09-20 17:03:57 4.86MB android audio-effect
2022-09-20 09:24:01 2KB processing
image processing && filter code
2022-09-19 18:00:29 520KB processing
Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB 2009 年新书源码Bassem R. Mahafza Features Provides comprehensive coverage of radar signals and signal processing techniques and algorithms Presents easy-to-follow mathematical derivations of all equations and formulas Includes a complete set of MATLAB functions and routines, which can be downloaded online Contains numerous graphical plots, common radar-related functions, table format outputs, and end-of-chapter problems Summary Offering radar-related software for the analysis and design of radar waveform and signal processing, Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB® provides a comprehensive source of theoretical and practical information on radar signals, signal analysis, and radar signal processing with companion MATLAB® code. After an overview of radar systems operation and design, the book reviews elements of signal theory relevant to radar detection and radar signal processing, along with random variables and processes. The author then presents the unique characteristic of the matched filter and develops a general formula for the output of the matched filter that is valid for any waveform. He analyzes several analog waveforms, including the linear frequency modulation pulse and stepped frequency waveforms, as well as unmodulated pulse-train, binary, polyphase, and frequency codes. The book explores radar target detection and pulse integration, emphasizing the constant false alarm rate. It also covers the stretch processor, the moving target indicator, radar Doppler processing, beamforming, and adaptive array processing. Using configurable MATLAB code, this book demonstrates how to apply signal processing to radar applications. It includes many examples and problems to illustrate the practical application of the theory.
2022-09-14 19:42:48 74KB matlab radar 源码
数据艺术 在处理中完成天气数据可视化。 印度孟买圣克鲁斯 50 年的天气数据被用来创造这种数据艺术。 使用的天气数据是一个月的平均最高气温、最低气温和降雨量。 数据取自网站: :
2022-09-12 14:11:40 90.39MB Processing
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing
2022-09-08 19:29:49 29.32MB Statistical Signal Processing
《Springer Handbook of Speech Processing》算是语音信号处理领域的百科全书,在语音信号领域有着极其高的地位。 本书适用于学生、研究者以及从事语音信号处理工作的人员。 本书有9部分组成: Part A: Production, Perception, and Modeling of Speech Part B: Signal Processing for Speech Part C: Speech Coding Part D: Text-to-Speech Synthesis Part E: Speech Recognition Part F: Speaker Recognition Part G: Language Recognition Part H: Speech Enhancement Part I: Multichannel Speech Processing
2022-08-29 18:23:23 15.84MB
Ardunio for vs 2022 Visual.Micro.Processing.Sketch.Patched.dll
2022-08-26 20:28:29 816KB sketch 软件/插件 arduino vs2022