This book introduces some applications of Computational Intelligence (CI) to problems of Earth System Science (ESS). In my opinion, the meeting of CI and ESSs is not a coincidence. There is an affinity between these two fields of science at a very deep level. Both of them use a systems approach; they see their object as a complex system of partly autonomous, evolving, and adaptive subsystems intensively interacting with each other and with their environment, which also changes due to the interaction between subsystems and due to changes of the subsystems. This deep affinity between the two fields makes the approaches and tools developed in CI well suited for solving many problems in ESSs; therefore, CI can provide adequate models for modeling subsystems of the Earth System.
2022-06-04 21:08:11 6.53MB Neural Networks Earth System
2022-06-01 12:05:34 1.61MB 神经网络 文档资料 人工智能 深度学习
2022-05-31 21:08:56 656KB Neuro-endocrine model; Neural network;
自我监督预测的好奇心驱动探索 在ICML 2017中 , , ,加州大学伯克利分校 这是我们基于ICLS 基于张量流的实现,该。 当来自环境的外部奖励稀疏时,想法是用内在的基于好奇心的动机(ICM)来培训代理商。 令人惊讶的是,即使环境中没有可用的奖励,您也可以使用ICM,在这种情况下,代理仅出于好奇而学会探索:“没有奖励的RL”。 如果您发现这项工作对您的研究有用,请引用: @inproceedings{pathakICMl17curiosity, Author = {Pathak, Deepak and Agrawal, Pulkit and Ef
2022-05-30 14:48:41 2.04MB mario deep-neural-networks deep-learning tensorflow
Convolutional Neural Networks的Matlab代码,可经过代码文件test_example_CNN.m,对手写字体进行训练测试
2022-05-29 21:38:27 8KB CNN Matlab 卷积神经网络
手写数字识别是一种通过不同的机器学习模型自动识别和检测手写数字数据的技术或技术。 在本文中,我们使用各种机器学习算法来提高技术的生产力并降低使用各种模型的复杂性。 机器学习是人工智能的一种应用,它从以前的经验中学习并通过经验自动改进。 我们说明了各种机器学习算法,例如支持向量机、卷积神经网络、量子计算、K-最近邻算法、识别技术中使用的深度学习。
2022-05-24 20:16:27 487KB Convolutional Neural Network
Countless learning tasks require dealing with sequential data. Image captioning, speech synthesis, and music generation all require that a model produce outputs that are sequences. In other domains, such as time series prediction, video analysis, and musical information retrieval, a model must learn from inputs that are sequences. Interactive tasks, such as translat- ing natural language, engaging in dialogue, and controlling a robot, often demand both capabilities. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are connec- tionist models that capture the dynamics of sequences via cycles in the network of nodes.
2022-05-23 21:11:23 1.03MB RNN
与现有的 Elman 循环神经网络相比,它是经过修改的架构。
2022-05-21 15:24:33 3KB matlab