2022-03-08 11:48:36 186KB linear programming introduction
2022-03-08 02:16:03 42.59MB 开关电源
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Second Edition presents linear algebra as the theory and practice of linear spaces and linear maps with a unique focus on the analytical aspects as well as the numerous applications of the subject. In addition to thorough coverage of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, game theory, and numerical analysis, the Second Edition features student-friendly additions that enhance the book's accessibility, including expanded topical coverage in the early chapters, additional exercises, and solutions to selected problems. Beginning chapters are devoted to the abstract structure of finite dimensional vector spaces, and subsequent chapters address convexity and the duality theorem as well as describe the basics of normed linear spaces and linear maps between normed spaces. Further updates and revisions have been included to reflect the most up-to-date coverage of the topic, including: The QR algorithm for finding the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix The Householder algorithm for turning self-adjoint matrices into tridiagonal form The compactness of the unit ball as a criterion of finite dimensionality of a normed linear spaceAdditionally, eight new appendices have been added and cover topics such as: the Fast Fourier Transform; the spectral radius theorem; the Lorentz group; the compactness criterion for finite dimensionality; the characterization of commentators; proof of Liapunov's stability criterion; the construction of the Jordan Canonical form of matrices; and Carl Pearcy's elegant proof of Halmos' conjecture about the numerical range of matrices. Clear, concise, and superbly organized, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Second Edition serves as an excellent text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in linear algebra. Its comprehensive treatment of the subject also makes it an ideal reference or self-study for industry professionals.
2022-03-07 09:34:21 2.17MB linear algebra
David 的线性几何及其应用,线性代数的专业教材。
2022-03-07 09:31:32 8.55MB linear algebra
关于 一个用于将连续分段线性函数拟合到数据的库。 只需指定所需的线段数并提供数据即可。 查看! 阅读。 现在,您可以执行分段常数拟合和分段多项式! 特征 对于指定数量的线段,您可以确定最佳连续分段线性函数f(x)(并从中进行预测)。 请参阅。 如果知道线段终止的特定x位置,则可以拟合并预测连续的分段线性函数f(x)。 请参阅。 如果要为SciPy差分进化算法传递不同的关键字,请参见此。 您可以使用不同的优化算法,通过使用目标函数来最小化残差平方和,从而找到线段的最佳位置。 请参阅。 现在,您可以使用带有fitfast()函数的多起点梯度优化,而不是使用差分进化。 您可以指定要使用的起点数量。 默认值为2。这意味着将使用2的拉丁超级多维数据集采样(空间填充DOE)来运行2个L-BFGS-B优化。 请参见下面的, 该示例运行fit()函数,然后运行fitfast()来比较运行时差
2022-03-05 17:58:08 1.99MB python segment tensorflow numpy
linear algebra done right linear algebra done right
2022-03-04 11:49:01 3.07MB linear algebra done right
Kalman滤波原文:《A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems》
2022-03-03 13:21:28 167KB Kalman
matlab lm算法代码多视图三角剖分和非线性优化 描述 在此代码中,实现了使用多视图三角剖分来重建合成多维数据集(由56个点组成)的方法。 多视图三角剖分是2视图三角剖分的直接扩展,您已经在中进行了编码。 与2视图三角剖分类似,使用所有8个视图的投影矩阵并设置Ax = b形式的最小二乘系统,然后使用SVD对其求解。 例如3D点X3必须满足以下约束P1 X3 = x13,P2 X3 = x23,...,P8 * X3 = x83,其中x13表示图像1中X3的2D投影,x23表示图中X3的2D投影图像2,...,x83表示图像8中X3的2D投影。 合成多维数据集的图像以8×2×56(numOfViews×2×56)张量的形式提供给您,命名为cube_imgs.mat。 相应的投影矩阵以名为projMatrices.mat的8×1(numOf V×1)的MATLAB单元数组提供; 两者都存储在MatFilesQues1文件夹中。 非线性最小二乘的Levenberg-Marquardt(LM)算法用于解决非线性最小二乘问题。 结果显示在Report.pdf中
2022-03-02 15:17:52 112KB 系统开源
Linear Programming Using MATLAB 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-03-01 09:54:56 6.71MB Linear Programming Using MATLAB
2022-02-25 14:30:12 5.93MB 国外教材