华为大数据FusionInsight HD解决方案,国内总体排名第一、金融 行业排名第一的企业大数据平台建设方案。
2021-08-19 09:13:24 2.53MB 大数据
2021-08-18 01:36:45 1003KB HDTune 硬盘信息 硬盘检测
With this car controller -different from the others- it is intended to create a real simulation. While coding this controller, the document about frictions on Car (The EU Standarts for Car Emissions) is examined carefully. You may also download a playable demo for PC from this link. This Project includes ONLY -codes and a "Rig" which includes necessary Colliders, Light Systems, Particle Systems, Reflection Probe and Dashboard as Canvas-. The Car design and Sounds are not included to the project. In order to use this controller fully operational, you have to prepare engine and environmental (exhaust pat, turbo, skid etc.) sounds as described in document and own a car body.
2021-08-16 14:11:06 121B unity unity3d
声卡hd audio.7z
2021-08-16 09:01:31 3.57MB 驱动程序
Hi3516EV300 作为新一代行业专用 HD IP 摄像机 SOC,集成新一代 ISP 以及业界最新 的 H.265 视频压缩编码器,同时采用先进低功耗工艺和低功耗架构设计,使得 Hi3516EV300 在低码率、高画质、低功耗等方面引领行业水平。集成 POR、RTC、 Audio Codec,为客户极大的降低了 ebom 成本。且与海思 DVR/NVR 芯片相似的接口 设计,能方便支撑客户产品开发和量产。
2021-08-12 12:21:59 10.47MB hi3516 摄像头
硬盘安装助手、用来写入黑苹果 硬盘或者U盘的工具
2021-08-03 09:06:26 339KB 黑苹果系统
2021-07-29 16:28:29 168.79MB 微信 WinXin 7.0.20 同时登录
2021-07-28 22:00:23 22.6MB VLC HD-SDI 可录像
从横断面图中批量反推断面数据,输出格式为 1、纬地、EICAD使用的抬杆法hdm和dmx数据, 2、输出cass横断面数据格式文件, 3、偏距+高程数据格式, 4、在图形中标注折点的偏距和高程。 批量提取,速度快。 能够从EICAD 纬地等绘制好的横断面图中 反推得到断面数据,纬地里是HDM EICAD里是HDX 数据。并同时输出南方cass的断面数据和偏距+高程数据。 批量操作。 提取数据演示: BEGIN,0.655:1 -35.536,93.113 -26.539,92.196 -15.438,92.709 -9.073,96.765 0.000,98.766 6.600,98.866 16.854,97.892 20.071,96.201 25.227,94.899 31.022,94.266 36.939,92.648 BEGIN,20.688:2 -38.872,90.470 -21.500,91.255 -12.720,91.255 -11.400,94.312 -6.383,94.812 -3.860,95.655 0.000,96.055 5.700,97.633 11.000,97.333 14.029,93.855 25.000,93.855 25.000,90.191 28.151,89.291 32.600,90.055 39.802,89.963 偏距+高程数据 K0+000.655,98.766 9.073,96.765,15.438,92.709,26.539,92.196,35.536,93.113 6.600,98.866,16.854,97.892,20.071,96.201,25.227,94.899,31.022,94.266,36.939,92.648 K0+020.688,96.055 3.860,95.655,6.383,94.812,11.400,94.312,12.720,91.255,21.500,91.255,38.872,90.470 5.700,97.633,11.000,97.333,14.029,93.855,25.000,93.855,25.000,90.191,28.151,89.291,32.600,90.055,39.802,89.963 纬地数据 K0+000.655 9.073,-2.001,6.366,-4.056,11.101,-0.514,8.996,0.918 6.600,0.100,10.254,-0.974,3.217,-1.691,5.156,-1.302,5.795,-0.633,5.916,-1.618 K0+020.688 3.860,-0.400,2.523,-0.843,5.017,-0.500,1.320,-3.057,8.780,0.000,17.372,-0.785 5.700,1.578,5.300,-0.300,3.029,-3.478,10.971,0.000,0.000,-3.664,3.151,-0.900,4.449,0.764,7.202,-0.092
2021-07-25 22:01:54 4.37MB 横断面
Schematics for RS485 FD and HD on DB9
2021-07-22 12:01:23 363KB Schematics