我们首先在 MTS 指数中提取市场数据(85 个债券样本和 10 个回购样本)。 其次,我们组织数据,给定成熟时间。 然后,我们使用“简约”来建模收益率曲线。
2021-10-29 09:10:16 51KB matlab
2021-10-26 23:53:00 105KB de pui tcl vnc.tcl
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///// pymoo:Python中的多目标优化 我们的开源框架pymoo提供最先进的单目标和多目标算法,以及与多目标优化有关的更多功能,例如可视化和决策制定。 安装 首先,请确保您已安装Python 3环境。 我们建议使用miniconda3或anaconda3。 官方版本始终在PyPi上可用: pip install -U pymoo 对于当前的开发人员版本: git clone https://github.com/msu-coinlab/pymoo cd pymoo pip install . 由于为了加快速度,还可以编译某些模块,因此您可以仔细检查编译是否有效。 执行命令时,请确保不在本地pymoo目录中,因为否则将不使用站点包中已安装的版本。 python -c " from pymoo.util.function_loader import is_compile
2021-10-14 18:03:07 19KB 自适应控制,感应控制
JPL行星历表,原来从nasa网站可下现在下不了,包含了header.405, ascp1600.405~as2200.405,每二十年一个文件(原始不据不抱括程序)
2021-10-14 16:05:28 74.1MB 行星历表 DE405 JPL
2021-10-13 18:03:45 1.14MB javascrpt 浏览器 前端 web
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2021-10-13 09:00:54 42.21MB redis 可视化 工具 Another-Redis-De
Simulation is integral to the successful design of modern radar systems, and there is arguably no better software for this purpose than MATLAB. But software and the ability to use it does not guarantee success. One must also: Ö Understand radar operations and design philosophy Ö Know how to select the radar parameters to meet the design requirements Ö Be able to perform detailed trade-off analysis in the context of radar sizing, modes of operation, frequency selection, waveforms, and signal processing Ö Develop loss and error budgets associated with the design MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design teaches all of this and provides the M-files and hands-on simulation experience needed to design and analyze radar systems. Part I forms a comprehensive description of radar systems, their analysis, and the design process. The authors' unique approach involves a design case study introduced in Chapter 1 and followed throughout the text. As the treatment progresses, the complexity increases and the case study requirements are adjusted accordingly. Part II presents a series of chapters-some authored by other experts in the field-on specialized radar topics important to a full understanding of radar systems design and analysis. A comprehensive set of MATLAB programs and functions support both parts of the book and are available for download from the CRC Press Web site.
2021-10-10 16:12:48 7.08MB radar systems de matlab