模拟电子PCB Layout,高频率电子信号的处理,应付各种安规认证的经典手册。模拟大师的呕心沥血
2019-12-21 20:16:50 1.2MB PCB EMC Layout Power
DXP元件库Analog Devices
2019-12-21 20:08:36 8.79MB DXP 元件库
analog devices phase locked loop simulator
2019-12-21 19:57:12 5.02MB analog devices PLL simulation
Design With Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits,3E
2019-12-21 19:46:05 16.52MB Operational Amplifiers Analog Integrated
Clock Generation and Distribution MEMS Inertial Sensors Temperature Sensors Amplifiers and Linear Comparators Amplifiers and Linear Voltage References Audio and Video Video Amps, Buffers and Filters Interface and Isolation Digital Isolators Interface and Isolation Level Translators Interface and Isolation Protection Products Power Management Linear Regulators Power Management Multi-Output Regulators Switches and Multiplexers Analog Crosspoint Switches Switches and Multiplexers Analog Switches Switches and Multiplexers Digital Crosspoint Switches Switches and Multiplexers Multiplexers (Muxes) Data Converters Analog-to-Digital Converters Data Converters Digital-to-Analog Converters Operational Amplifiers RF IF Amplifiers RF IF Attenuators VGAs and Filters RF IF Detectors RF IF Direct Digital Synthesis RF IF Integrated Transceivers Transmitters and Receivers RF IF Mixers and Multipliers RF IF Modulators and Demodulators RF IF PLL Synthesizers and VCOs RF IF Prescalers (Microwave) RF IF Switches RF IF Timing ICs and Clocks
2019-12-21 19:45:17 8.57MB ADI AD intlib 集成库
CMOS Analog Circuit Design_3nd_Phillip E. Allen英文文字版非扫描
2019-12-21 19:30:46 9.54MB CMOS Analog Circuit Design_
毕查德·拉扎维编著的这本《模拟CMOS集成电路设计》介绍模拟CMOS集成电路的分析与设计。从直观和严密的角度阐述了各种模拟电路的基本原理和概念,同时还阐述了在SOC中模拟电路设计遇到的新问题及电路技术的新发展。《模拟CMOS集成电路设计》由浅入深,理论与实际结合,提供了大量现代工业中的设计实例。全书共18章。前10章介绍各种基本模块和运放及其频率响应和噪声。第11章至第13章介绍带隙基准、开关电容电路以及电路的非线性和失配的影响,第14、15章介绍振荡器和没相环。第16章至18章介绍MOS器件的高阶效应及其模型、CMOS制造工艺和混合信号电路的版图与封装。 《模拟CMOS集成电路设计》是现代模拟集成电路设计的理想教材或参考书。可供与集成电路领域有关的各电类专业的高年级本科生和研究生使用,也可供从事这一领域的工程技术人员自学和参考。
2019-12-21 19:27:30 16.49MB 模拟IC设计
想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital designs and systems for over 20 years Bonnie started as a Manufacturing Product Engineer supporting analog products at Burr Brown From there Bonnie moved up to IC Design Analog Division Strategic Marketer and then Corporate Applications Engineering Manager In 1998 she joined Microchip Technology and served as their analog division Analog mixed signal Applications Engineering manager and Staff Architect Engineer for one of their PICmicro divisions This expanded her background to not only include analog applications but also the microcontroller She is now back in the Burr Brown fold working for Texas Instruments in their Precision Analog Division ">想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital [更多]
2019-12-21 19:23:16 3.02MB analog circuit
2019-12-21 18:54:57 41.98MB 模电圣经 Razavi CMOS
2019-12-21 18:54:41 30.29MB 杨建国 新概念模拟 Analog-Circu