ISO IEC IEEE 29119 Software and systems engineering — Software testing(软件和系统工程 - 软件测试).7z
2021-09-02 12:01:46 30.85MB 资料
机顶盒测试仪 机顶盒和智能电视的自动用户界面测试 版权所有:copyright:2013-2019 Ltd,2012-2014 YouView TV Ltd.和其他贡献者。 许可证:LGPL v2.1或(可选)任何更高版本(请参阅 )。 机顶盒测试仪以与实际用户相同的方式(通常使用红外遥控器)向被测设备发出命令。 然后,机顶盒测试器通过分析设备的视频输出来检查被测设备的行为。 有关stb-tester功能的概述,请参见的视频。 测试用例是用Python编程语言编写的。 他们看起来像这样: def test_that_i_can_tune_to_bbc_one_from_t
2021-08-30 14:29:01 11.36MB python testing opencv template-matching
Pragmatic - Testing.Elixir.2021.7.epub
2021-08-25 13:05:03 1.28MB Elixir Testing
介绍Shmoo测试的论文,介绍了shmoo的起源,在现代IC测试中的作用等。 INTERNATIONAL TEST CONFERENCE 作者:Keith Baker* and Jos van Beers‘ *Philips ED&T & #philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2021-08-22 13:11:45 373KB shmooplot shmootest shmoo
2021-08-21 13:01:28 5.35MB 互联网
Testing and Verification of NVMe PCIe Devices.pdf
2021-08-20 14:00:49 1.41MB PCIe Testing Verification
This updated and reorganized fourth edition of Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach applies the strong mathematics content of previous editions to a coherent treatment of Model-Based Testing for both code-based (structural) and specification-based (functional) testing. These techniques are extended from the usual unit testing discussions to full coverage of less understood levels integration and system testing.  The Fourth Edition: Emphasizes technical inspections and is supplemented by an appendix with a full package of documents required for a sample Use Case technical inspection Introduces an innovative approach that merges the Event-Driven Petri Nets from the earlier editions with the "Swim Lane" concept from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that permits model-based testing for four levels of interaction among constituents in a System of Systems Introduces model-based development and provides an explanation of how to conduct testing within model-based development environments Presents a new section on methods for testing software in an Agile programming environment Explores test-driven development, reexamines all-pairs testing, and explains the four contexts of software testing Thoroughly revised and updated, Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, Fourth Edition is sure to become a standard reference for those who need to stay up to date with evolving technologies in software testing. Carrying on the tradition of previous editions, it will continue to serve as a valuable reference for software testers, developers, and engineers.
2021-08-19 03:23:15 3.17MB 软件 测试
M100-S23 Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing--23rd Informational Supplement 微生物药物敏感性最新标准
2021-08-18 21:03:21 20.96MB CLSI M100-S23 M100 S23
:abacus:计算器 该项目是通过引导的。 可用脚本 在项目目录中,可以运行: yarn start 在开发模式下运行该应用程序。打开在浏览器中查看它。 如果您进行编辑,则页面将重新加载。您还将在控制台中看到任何棉绒错误。 yarn test 在交互式监视模式下启动测试运行程序。有关更多信息,请参见关于的部分。 yarn build 构建生产到应用程序build文件夹。它在生产模式下正确捆绑了React,并优化了构建以获得最佳性能。 生成被最小化,并且文件名包括哈希值。您的应用已准备好进行部署!
2021-08-18 18:43:34 386KB testing calculator typescript jest
2021-08-16 21:11:14 904KB 软件工程PDF课件