博文:SYD8821 SPI从机使用说明 用到的logic数据
2021-07-09 20:02:50 36KB SYD8821 SPI从机使用说明 logic数据
2021-07-09 11:36:37 561KB Modbus Slave 破解版
2021-07-07 21:03:09 10KB FPGA IIC I2C I2CSLAVE
DataForward 纯手工打造MODBUS TCP slave的服务端,供大家参考学习,也希望大佬提出建议,指出不足之处,目前只支持03功能。新版,之前的BUG修复,有不足之处还请多多指教
2021-07-07 18:03:17 140KB DataForward MODBUSTCPslave
Profibus_DP_slave 这是一个Keil MDK-ARM项目,其中包含Profibus DP固件,该固件专门针对Keil uVision进行编译。 它由一个固件和一个应用程序组成,该固件使用供应商Profichip提供的VPC3 + S网络控制器创建Profibus DP从站设备。 修改了固件源代码,以便可以在Keil中进行编译。 该项目为STM32F103C8T6微控制器生成代码。 STM32和VPC3 + S可用作Profibus DP接口。 微控制器和网络控制器通过SPI进行通信。 在vpc3.c中实现的例程 在main()中包含一个测试应用程序,该应用程序将一些无关的数据发送到挂在同一DP网络上的主设备。 它还能够接收2个字节的数据并将其显示在字符LCD屏幕上。
2021-07-06 19:57:08 4.01MB C
RLin slave例程
2021-07-06 15:19:26 3.31MB RLin slave
之前有朋友反应modbusTcp代码中,变量名命名不规范,导致阅读困难。这个是修改版本。 下载了之前版本的朋友,私我免积分拿资料哈。谢谢大家交流!!
2021-07-02 15:47:21 9KB modbus Linux
2021-07-02 13:45:21 3.58MB Modbus Modbus 模拟器
68013 和 FPGA 之间 slave fifo 通许,包括同步和异步,包括68013的固件代码,和fpga 的代码(verilog)。整个完善的代码,调试通过的。
2021-07-01 13:50:48 868KB 68013 fpga slave fifo
Master configuration Find the my.cnf file Configure under [mysqld] [mysqld] server-id=1 log-bin=master-bin   Restart the service and log in to mysql Create a user to obtain the log file. mysql> CREATE USER 'sree'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sree' Grant relevant permissions (copy permissions) *.* represents all tables in all libraries mysql> grant replication slave on *.* to 'sree'@'%'   Refresh permissions mysql> flush privileges mysql> show master status; | File | Position | master-bin.000004 | 120                      Slave configuration ==================== Modify the configuration file: Configure under [mysqld] [mysqld] server-id=2 #As long as it is different from the above.   Then log in to mysql mysql>  CHANGE MASTER TO     MASTER_LOG_FILE='master-bin.000004 ', #above file        MASTER_LOG_POS = 120 ; #The above position        MASTER_HOST='', #The ip address of the main library         MASTER_USER = 'sree',         MASTER_PASSWORD = 'sree',  Then start slave ============ mysql> show slave status\G; see: ===  Slave_IO_Running: Yes  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes It means that it was successful.     Errors in the whole process: Slave_IO_Running: Connecting 1. Mine is the wrong host ip. 2. There are still some firewalls on the Internet that are not turned off I use centos7 to turn off the firewall: systemctl stop firewalld 3. There is also a mistake in the above-mentioned secret.   Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs This error generally occur when we clone the master to slaver. Delete auto.cnf of mysql, and then restart the service.
2021-06-29 17:08:28 2KB #MySQL #Replication #Master-Slave