A Course in Mathematical Statistics George G Roussas
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A First Course in String Theory - B.Zwiebach A First Course in String Theory - B.Zwiebach
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CSDN 好像不支持 0 积分上传,那就 1 积分意思意思吧 A First Course in Probability, 9th Edition, Original eBook 概率论基础教程,高清,9,书签 Solution Manual 答案 拒绝知识垄断,拒绝盗版再收益
2021-10-20 18:38:37 153.06MB A First Cour 概率论基础
This book is an introductory text in functional analysis. Unlike many modern treatments, it begins with the particular and works its way to the more general. From the reviews: 'This book is an excellent text for a first graduate course in functional analysis...Many interesting and important applications are included...It includes an abundance of exercises, and is written in the engaging and lucid style which we have come to expect from the author.' --MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS
2021-10-20 11:07:00 2.08MB functional analysis John B.
二维遗传算法matlab代码课程代码 1. DBSCAN DBSCAN是基于密度的聚类算法,可实现二维数据的聚类和可视化。 2.光学 光学也是基于密度的聚类算法,也是DBSCAN的改进版本。 3.支持向量机 SVM算法用于对sklearn中的fetch_lfw_prople数据集进行分类。 4. Kmeans和PAM Kmeans算法和PAM算法用于对图像和波形数据集进行聚类。 PAM算法,也称为Kmediod算法,是kmeans的改进。 5.克拉拉 使用Clara算法对MNIST手写数据集进行分类。 Clara算法是一种基于PAM的大数据聚类算法。 6. FashionMnist ResNet对时尚数据集进行分类。 7.八拼图 使用深度优先,宽度优先和A star算法来解决八位数字问题。 8.遗传算法 用遗传算法解决二元函数的优化问题。 9. Kmeans FCM 比较使用Matlab的kmeans算法和FCM算法在图像分割和数据聚类中的效果。 10.优化 用插值法和黄金分割法解决了一个变量的多重优化问题。 11.情绪分析 使用网络搜寻器来攀登微博和BiliBili中的评论,情感分析
2021-10-19 15:07:05 5.06MB 系统开源
计算神经科学:在宾夕法尼亚大学教授的关于计算和理论神经科学的短期本科课程。 介绍MATLAB中的编程,单神经元模型,离子通道模型,基本神经网络和神经解码的编程
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English | 2019 | ISBN: 1593279288 | 544 Pages | True PDF | 7 MB Second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. A fast-paced, no-nonsense guide to programming in Python. This book teaches beginners the basics of programming in Python with a focus on real projects. This is the second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition is a straightforward introduction to the core of Python programming. Author Eric Matthes dispenses with the sort of tedious, unnecessary information that can get in the way of learning how to program, choosing instead to provide a foundation in general programming concepts, Python fundamentals, and problem solving. Three real world projects in the second part of the book allow readers to apply their knowledge in useful ways. Readers will learn how to create a simple video game, use data visualization techniques to make graphs and charts, and build and deploy an interactive web application. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition teaches beginners the essentials of Python quickly so that they can build practical programs and develop powerful programming techniques.
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Blue Prism的入门级用法,从界面及按钮的介绍,到各种组件的应用。
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Uni-AI课程报告 大学人工智能课程报告 报告书
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A first course in bayesian statistical methods
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