Ansible-sshjail Ansible连接插件,用于独立于其jailhost远程配置FreeBSD监狱。 通过使用标准的Ansible SSH连接SSH到监狱主机,将所有文件移至监狱目录并使用jexec执行监狱范围内的命令,可以实现这一目的。 要求 控制节点(您的工作站或部署服务器): Ansible 2.0 RC3 + Python 2.7 监狱长: FreeBSD 至少一个配置好的监狱 Python 2.7 SSH协议 须藤 目标监狱: Python 2.7 安装 如所述,这是一个“连接类型插件”。 要安装sshjail: 克隆此仓库。 将sshjail.py复制或链接到受支持的位置之一: /usr/share/ansible/plugins/connection_plugins/ path/to/your/toplevelplaybook/connection_plugins/ 用法 使用sshjail,每个监狱都是其自己的清单主机,用主机名jail@jailhost 。 您还必须指定ansible_co
2021-01-31 14:11:34 16KB freebsd ansible configuration-management jail
该存储库包含的提供程序,该提供程序检索存储在中的。 总览 每个应用程序都具有某种设置,例如数据库连接字符串或某些外部API凭据,这些设置永远都不应检查到源控件中。 但是,您的应用程序需要该设置才能正确执行其工作。 .NET Core本机支持从不同来源获取设置。 这允许根据当前环境定制应用程序。 典型的示例是数据库的连接字符串,该字符串可以变化,以便每个环境都可以连接到特定的数据库。 使用.NET Core的开发人员经常在其开发环境中使用。 另一方面,生产环境的设置通常存储在环境变量中。 提供了该问题的无服务器托管解决方案。 提供了一种方便的方法来访问存储在AWS Secrets Manager中的机密。 这就是您的ASP.NET Core 2.0应用程序的外观。 注意config.AddSecretsManager(); 在传递给ConfigureAppConfiguration方法的委托中。 public class Program { public static void Main ( string [] args ) { BuildWe
N1™ Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Configuration and Deployment
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2020-12-19 15:20:16 791KB CSR 用户配置
RFC 6241 (Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF))中文.pdf RFC 6241 (Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF))中文.pdf
2020-10-24 03:29:42 1.64MB NETCONF
对QCC系列的ADK congfiguration Tool的配置进行引导说明。
2020-01-03 11:27:22 883KB QCC300X ADK Configur UG
For many computer vision problems, the most time consuming component consists of nearest neighbor matching in high-dimensional spaces. There are no known exact algorithms for solving these high-dimensional problems that are faster than linear search. Approximate algorithms are known to provide large speedups with only minor loss in accuracy, but many such algorithms have been published with only minimal guidance on selecting an algorithm and its parameters for any given problem. In this paper, we describe a system that answers the question, “What is the fastest approximate nearest-neighbor algorithm for my data? ” Our system will take any given dataset and desired degree of precision and use these to automatically determine the best algorithm and parameter values. We also describe a new algorithm that applies priority search on hierarchical k-means trees, which we have found to provide the best known performance on many datasets. After testing a range of alternatives, we have found that multiple randomized k-d trees provide the best performance for other datasets. We are releasing public domain code that implements these approaches. This library provides about one order of magnitude improvement in query time over the best previously available software and provides fully automated parameter selection.
2019-12-21 21:54:02 380KB nearest-neighbors search randomized kd-trees
Source Insight4.0暗色主题配置文件,格式为xml,4.0之前的版本配置文件格式为 .CF3,两者不通用需要注意! 我之前简单介绍过怎么导入配置文件,可以去看一下再动手。弄不好的在下面留言问题。
2019-12-21 21:47:20 316KB SourceInsight4.0 xml configuration DarkTheme
来自于ST官网,STM32F4xx_Clock_Configuration_V1.0.1.xls 填入想要的时钟参数,点击run,则可获得相应参数的值 PLL_N PLL_P PLL_Q
2019-12-21 21:37:24 1.18MB STM32F407 时钟100M 150M 168M
Cisco Nexus 9000 ACI Student Guide 思科Nexus9000系列ACI培训手册
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