An algorithm is proposed for the fast reconstruction of off-axis digital holograms based on a combination of complex encoding (CE) and spatial multiplexing (SM). In this algorithm, every two off-axis holograms recorded in sequence are first assembled into a CE hologram using the CE method, and then four of the CE holograms are again encoded into one complex spatial multiplexing (CSM) hologram based on the SM algorithm. It is demonstrated that the eight holograms encoded into such one CSM hologra
2021-02-07 16:03:01 850KB
Frequency Domain to Baseband-complex time-domain Modeling in RF
2021-01-28 00:31:25 22KB FrequencyDomain
2020-01-17 03:07:03 762KB 深度学习 激光雷达 3D点云
作者: (美) 尼达姆 (Needham, T.),人民邮电出版社有本书的翻译本。本书用一种真正不同寻常的、独具创造性的视角和可以看得见的论证方式解释初等复分析的理论,公开挑战当前占统治地位的纯符号逻辑推理。作者通过大量的图示使原本比较抽象的数学概念,变得直观易懂,读者在透彻理解理论的同时,还能充分领略数学之美。
2020-01-03 11:27:48 9.19MB 复变函数 复分析 Complex Analysis
System Architecture Strategy and Product Development for Complex Systems PDF 版本
2020-01-03 11:24:42 11.2MB system 系统架构
This book covers construction, exploration, analysis, and visualization of complex networks using NetworkX (a Python library), as well as several other Python modules, and Gephi, an interactive environment for network analysts. The book is not an introduction to Python. I assume that you already know the language, at least at the level of a freshman programming course. The book consists of five parts, each covering specific aspects of complex networks. Each part comes with one or more detailed case studies. Part I presents an overview of the main Python CNA modules: NetworkX, iGraph, graph-tool, and networkit. It then goes over the construction of very simple networks both programmatically (using NetworkX) and interactively (in Gephi), and it concludes by presenting a network of Wikipedia pages related to complex networks. In Part II, you’ll look into networks based on explicit relationships (such as social networks and communication networks). This part addresses advanced network construction and measurement techniques. The capstone case study—a network of “Panama papers”—illustrates possible money-laundering patterns in Central Asia. Networks based on spatial and temporal co-occurrences—such as semantic and product networks—are the subject of Part III. The third part also explores macroscopic and mesoscopic complex network structure. It paves the way to network-based cultural domain analysis and a marketing study of Sephora cosmetic products. If you cannot find any direct or indirect relationships between the items, but still would like to build a network of them, the contents of Part IV come to the rescue. You will learn how to find out if items are similar, and you will convert quantitative similarities into network edges. A network of psychological trauma types is one of the outcomes of the fourth part. The book concludes with Part V: directed networks with plenty of examples, including a network of qualitative adjectives that you could use in computer games or
2019-12-21 21:54:29 6.98MB Python Network Analysis
2019-12-21 21:47:26 21.2MB complex network package MATLAB
The availability of large data sets has allowed researchers to uncover complex properties such as large-scale fluctuations and heterogeneities in many networks, leading to the breakdown of standard theoretical frameworks and models. Until recently these systems were considered as haphazard sets of points and connections. Recent advances have generated a vigorous research effort in understanding the effect of complex connectivity patterns on dynamical phenomena. This book presents a comprehensive account of these effects. A vast number of systems, from the brain to ecosystems, power grids and the Internet, can be represented as large complex networks. This book will interest graduate students and researchers in many disciplines, from physics and statistical mechanics, to mathematical biology and information science. Its modular approach allows readers to readily access the sections of most interest to them, and complicated maths is avoided so the text can be easily followed by non-experts in the subject.
2019-12-21 21:32:02 7.08MB Complex Networks
Guanrong Chen的教材《Introduction to Complex Network》(复杂网络概论)。
2019-12-21 21:31:10 7.24MB 复杂网络 人工智能
2019-12-21 21:12:44 2.95MB complex network package