软件体系结构课程参考书, 全英文完整版. <>. Richard N. Taylor著
2022-03-03 08:42:50 57.18MB 软件体系结构 pdf电子版
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PCI Express System Architecture
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PyTorch中的高效神经体系结构搜索(ENAS) 实现PyTorch实现。 ENAS通过在大型计算图中的子图模型之间共享参数,将( NAS )的计算需求(GPU小时)减少了1000倍。 关于Penn Treebank语言建模的SOTA。 ** [注意]请使用作者提供的官方代码:** 先决条件 Python 3.6+ tqdm,scipy,imageio,graphviz,tensorboardX 用法 安装必备组件: conda install graphviz pip install -r requirements.txt 要训​​练ENAS以发现RNN的复发细胞,请执行以下操作: python main.py --network_type rnn --dataset ptb --controller_optim adam --controller_lr 0.00035 \
ZWCAD Architecture 2020是一个强大的CAD工具,用于创建快速和专业的设计与DWG计算建模和设计。 这是一个全面的应用程序,配备了广泛的库和工具,专门为建筑图纸设计,这加强了工作流程,自动化繁琐的起草任务,减少错误和提高效率。 这是一个为建筑工程设计开发的强大软件,使建筑师和设计师能够更有效地设计和记录工程项目。 该CAD平台完全支持所有最新的多核处理技术和gpu加速绘制,能够以快速、开放和协作的方式高速绘制先进的设计。 它允许设计师使用具有真实世界行为和构造的元素创建文档和绘图。 它包括一个房间图书功能,允许用户轻松地计算准确的可见表面,连接或重叠的墙壁,地板,天花板,柱子和梁
2022-02-14 09:10:14 514.88MB ZWCADArchitectu
AIM OF THIS BOOK Today TOGAF®a is widely recognized as a standard for enterprise architecture. The TOGAF framework focuses on the architecture transformation method in all its dimensions (business, organization, and information system). Since enterprise architecture often uses representations and models, both valuable instruments in elaboration and communication, the aim of this book is to provide a hands-on practitioner’s view of TOGAF and, notably, of the models used during transformation work. We chose to build these models using the most widely used standards, such as UML and BPMN. Specific UML extensions (a UML profile dedicated to TOGAF) are provided in this book to further explain all necessary concepts. We have also aligned this modeling technique with ArchiMate,b which is explained in a dedicated appendix to this book. This book does not replace the TOGAF reference specification.c Read as an initiation into or an accompaniment to the standard, it presents both the foundations of the TOGAF framework and tangible enterprise architecture elements. We hope that this book will be a useful tool in your TOGAF-based enterprise transformation projects. TOGAF is not the only enterprise architecture framework. Zachman, DODAF, MODAF, NAF, EAF, and even ITIL for certain aspects, all broach the subject of enterprise architecture in their own way. The number of frameworks available is probably explained by the complexity of the subject, as well as the diversity of situations encountered within different enterprises. As a consequence, TOGAF should not be considered as the “miracle cure,” but rather as a proposal capable of bringing together a number of practices around its architecture development method (ADM). The inevitably generic nature of TOGAF can sometimes be disconcerting. However, TOGAF is generally intended to be customized in order to instantiate the method for a particular use.
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