2022-05-17 10:05:49 89KB 网络安全 PKI CA Openss
2022-05-16 14:05:47 453KB 安全 web安全 ssl 文档资料
伴随云计算的滚滚浪潮,云原生(CloudNative)的概念应运而生,云原生很火,火得一塌糊涂,都0202年了,如果你还不懂云原生,那真的out了。 大家言必称云原生,却鲜少有人告诉你到底什么是云原生,若是找资料来看,读完大多会感觉云绕雾罩,一知半解,总之虚得很;甚至会让你一度怀疑自己的智商,不过我对于读不懂的文章,一律归因于写文章的人太蠢,当然这不一定是事实,但这样的思考方式能让我避免陷入自我怀疑的负面情绪。
2022-05-14 21:04:39 156B kubernetes 云原生
2022-05-13 19:57:38 239KB ssl https http 网络协议
2022-05-13 14:36:45 149.34MB mongodb 数据库
SSL & TLS Essentials: Securing the Web Publisher: Wiley Language: English ISBN: 0471383546 Paperback: 224 pages Data: February 11, 2000 Format: PDF Description: "Great writing . . . a clear introduction to the most widely deployed security technology in the Internet."-Paul Lambert, former co-chair of IETF IPSEC working group The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security(TLS) protocols form the foundation for e-commerce security on the World Wide Web, verifying the authenticity of Web sites, encrypting the transfer of sensitive data, and ensuring the integrity of information exchanged. Now-for the first time the details of these critical security protocols are available in a complete, clear, and concise reference. SSL and TLS Essentials provides complete documentation of the SSL and TLS protocols, including advanced and proprietary extensions never before published. The book thoroughly covers the protocols in operation, including the contents of their messages, message formats, and the cryptographic calculations used to construct them. The text also includes an introduction to cryptography and an explanation of X.509 public key certificates. Stephen Thomas, author of IPng and the TCP/IP Protocols, presents this complex material in a clear and reader-friendly manner. The book includes more than 80 figures and illustrations to supplement its text, and it describes SSL in the context of real-world, practical applications. Readers will immediately understand not only the academic principles behind he security protocols, but how those principles apply to their own network security challenges. The book includes: * Full details of Netscape's SSL and the IETF's TLS protocols, with differences between the two clearl highlighted and explained * A concise tutorial in cryptography * Complete coverage of Netscape's International Step-Up and Microsoft's Server Gated Cryptography implementations * A description of X.509 public key certificates * Details on implementing backwards compatibility among previous versions of SSL and TLS * A thorough security checklist with explanations of all known attacks on SSL implementations, along with appropriate countermeasures.
2022-05-12 23:02:29 1.03MB Essentials SSL TLS 安全
openssl 库1.1.1o and 3.0.3
2022-05-12 18:00:46 9.4MB ssl 网络协议 网络
openssl lib 3.0.3
2022-05-12 18:00:45 14.36MB ssl
Windows x64 的 Openssl 1.1.1 安装包msi OpenSSL 是一个安全套接字层密码库,囊括主要的密码算法、常用的密钥和证书封装管理功能及SSL协议,并提供丰富的应用程序供测试或其它目的使用。 OpenSSL被曝出现严重安全漏洞后,发现多数通过SSL协议加密的网站使用名为OpenSSL的开源软件包。OpenSSL漏洞不仅影响以https开头的网站,黑客还可利用此漏洞直接对个人电脑发起"心脏出血"(Heartbleed)攻击。据分析,Windows上有大量软件使用了存在漏洞的OpenSSL代码库,可能被黑客攻击抓取用户电脑上的内存数据。
2022-05-11 21:17:16 63.36MB OpenSSL ssl Win64OpenSSL
2022-05-11 17:51:35 165KB SSL证书 https配置