区块链标准 证应用指南(定稿)(word+pdf)
区块链标准 电子合同证应用指南(word+pdf)
此书用于网络安全应急响应的报告整理给出了标准的实例 部分目录如下,含金量自我斟酌: 1.1.1 某保险weblogic漏洞被拿Shell 1.1.2 某银行被挖矿导致CPU占用率过高 1.1.3 某局感染wannaCry病毒导致服务器重启
2022-04-14 18:00:06 12.57MB web安全 安全 应急响应 CTF
2022-04-13 16:55:24 12KB word存数据库
2022-04-11 17:01:28 10.72MB EXCEL进销 存库存管 xlsm 工业进销
数(sw)指令的数据通路 M[ R[rs] + SignExt[imm16] ] ← R[rt] Example: sw rt, rs, imm16 32 ALUctr Clk busW RegWr 32 32 busA 32 busB 5 5 5 Rw Ra Rb 32 32-bit Registers Rs Rt Rt Rd RegDst Ext Mux Mux 32 16 imm16 ALUSrc ExtOp Mux MemtoReg Clk Data In WrEn 32 Adr Data Memory 32 MemWr ALU RegDst=x, RegWr=0, ALUctr=add, ExtOp=1, ALUSrc=1, MemWr=1, MemtoReg=x 0 1 0 1 加兰色部分。才能向储器数 0 1 op rs rt imm16 0 16 21 26 31 6 bits 16 bits 5 bits 5 bits And here is the datapath for the store instruction. The Register File, the ALU, and the Extender are the same as the datapath for the load instruction because the memory address has to be calculated the exact same way: (a) Put the register selected by Rs onto bus A and sign extend the 16 bit immediate field. (b) Then make the ALU (ALUctr) adds these two (busA and output of Extender) together. The new thing we added here is busB extension (DataIn). More specifically, in order to send the register selected by the Rt field (Rb of the register file) to data memory, we need to connect bus B to the data memory’s Data In bus. Finally, the store instruction is the first instruction we encountered that does not do any register write at the end. Therefore the control unit must make sure RegWr is zero for this instruction. +2 = 64 min. (Y:44)
2022-04-10 21:09:08 4.02MB ics
模板俱乐部ERPV2系统 第一步:访问http://网址/install (安装程序) 第二部:数据库中导入install目录下的erpv2.sql文件! 账号密码下载后查看压缩文件包中有。
2022-04-08 14:01:00 19.27MB php 金蝶 ERP在线 进销库存
使用dsoframer控件可以在winform中嵌入office等,但发现在word中直接按F12可以另为,这样就无法控制权限。有几种解决方案,可以直接使用国内商业插件,都是基于dsoframer开发升级而来,但收费;还有一种 方法是屏蔽f12按钮。代码 功能 是使用office自身功能删除其默认的另为快捷键,来达到禁 止另为功能 。具体见代码
2022-04-08 13:42:53 110KB dsoframer 止F12另存为
2022-04-06 02:41:01 30KB 数据库 database 银行