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2022-02-01 19:40:03 39.08MB real-time microcontroller embedded mcu
This is a book about developing the software and hardware you never think about. We're talking about the nitty-gritty behind the buttons on your microwave, inside your thermostat, inside the keyboard used to type this description, and even running the monitor on which you are reading it now. Such stuff is termed embedded systems, and this book shows how to design and develop embedded systems at a professional level. Because yes, many people quietly make a successful career doing just that. Building embedded systems can be both fun and intimidating. Putting together an embedded system requires skill sets from multiple engineering disciplines, from software and hardware in particular. Building Embedded Systems is a book about helping you do things in the right way from the beginning of your first project: Programmers who know software will learn what they need to know about hardware. Engineers with hardware knowledge likewise will learn about the software side. Whatever your background is, Building Embedded Systems is the perfect book to fill in any knowledge gaps and get you started in a career programming for everyday devices. Author Changyi Gu brings more than fifteen years of experience in working his way up the ladder in the field of embedded systems. He brings knowledge of numerous approaches to embedded systems design, including the System on Programmable Chips (SOPC) approach that is currently growing to dominate the field. His knowledge and experience make Building Embedded Systems an excellent book for anyone wanting to enter the field, or even just to do some embedded programming as a side project. What You Will Learn Program embedded systems at the hardware level Learn current industry practices in firmware development Develop practical knowledge of embedded hardware options Create tight integration between software and hardware Practice a work flow leading to successful outcomes Build from transistor level to the system level Make sound choices between performance and cost Who This Book Is For Building Embedded Systems: Programmable Hardware is for embedded-system engineers and intermediate electronics enthusiasts who are seeking tighter integration between software and hardware. Those who favor the System on a Programmable Chip (SOPC) approach will in particular benefit from this book. Students in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science can also benefit from this book and the real-life industry practice it provides. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Whole Picture Chapter 2: Power On and Bootloader Chapter 3: Inside the CPU Chapter 4: RAM, DMA, and Interrupt Chapter 5: Bus Architecture Chapter 6: Firmware Coding in C Chapter 7: Firmware Coding in the C++ and Script Languages Chapter 8: Building and Deployment Chapter 9: Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Chapter 10: System on Programmable Chip (SOPC) Chapter 11: De-Bounce, Power Management, and Display Chapter 12: Fixed Point Math Chapter 13: Popular Ways of Console Communications: Prepare the Tools Chapter 14: Work Flow
2022-01-27 20:13:13 18.52MB Embedded Systems
2022-01-26 17:26:51 6.59MB sopc的ip核
实时操作系统项目 该项目的灵感来自于出版的《 개발 。 目的是设计用于ARM嵌入式计算机的RTOS(实时操作系统)。 将在QEMU环境中检查它。 它具有引导加载程序,异常处理程序,中断处理程序,任务控制块,调度程序,事件处理程序,消息和同步功能。 机器规格 目标板: RealView PB-A8 架构: ARMv7-A 处理器: ARM Cortex-A8 核心数: 1 底板布局: 环境 交叉编译器: gcc-arm-none-eabi 调试器: gdb-multiarch 仿真器: gemu-system-arm RTOS功能 跑 样本
2022-01-15 16:57:02 22KB C
打开注册机,点击GET ID,将license和license key分别复制到软件安装过程的指定位置,就可以了。
2022-01-13 10:18:28 1.91MB IAR 破解 注册机
2022-01-12 14:25:05 156KB embedded home automation internet
OpenCR:用于ROS嵌入式板的软件(又名OpenCR)。 OpenCR表示ROS的开源控制模块
2022-01-11 08:57:22 8.76MB arduino embedded board ros
Giga Device 32E501 MCU user manual
2022-01-08 17:04:03 7.67MB Embedded
2022-01-05 17:44:02 5.73MB RapidIO Interconnect
用于nRF5系列芯片的官方指定开发工具,免费易用,无缝兼容J-Link仿真器。此版本为Windows 64位版安装文件,含J-Link驱动。对应nRF5 SDK v15.2.0。
2022-01-05 08:43:48 176.56MB nRF5 SES Segger 跨平台