小林coding 图解网络,这是一本不错的网络资料,
2021-11-01 18:11:17 50.88MB 小林Coding 图解网络
Making Software - What Really Works, and Why We Believe It. Does the MMR vaccine cause autism? Does watching violence on TV make children more violent? Are some programming languages better than others? People argue about these questions every day. Every serious attempt to answer the first two questions relies on the scientific method: careful collection of evidence, and impartial evaluation of its implications. Until recently, though, only a few people have tried to apply these techniques to the third. When it comes to computing, it often seems that a couple glasses of beer and an anecdote about a startup in Warsaw are all the “evidence” most programmers expect. That is changing, thanks in part to the work of the contributors to this book. Drawing on fields as diverse as data mining, cognitive psychology, and sociology, they and their colleagues are creating an evidence-based approach to software engineering. By gathering evidence drawn from a myriad of primary sources and analyzing the results, they are shedding new light onto some vexing questions of software development. What do most programmers get wrong in their first job? Does test-driven development lead to better code? What about pair programming, or code reviews? Is it possible to predict the likely number of bugs in a piece of code before it’s released? If so, how?
2021-10-29 15:11:54 20.01MB Software Architecting Coding
这组 MATLAB 代码是我为我的数据通信作业编写的。 它们展示了 (7,4) 汉明码的典型实现。 “阅读如何运行.txt”以获取有关如何使用代码的说明。
2021-10-28 09:13:41 33KB matlab
2021-10-26 09:02:28 11.83MB 编解码标准
colorShuffle 是一个社区为设计师和开发人员贡献的美丽颜色和渐变的随机集合 关于 这是社区回馈社区的努力。 希望这能帮助您汲取灵感,并作为为您自己的项目挑选令人惊叹的颜色和渐变的资源。 改进和错误 请随意在打开一个新问题,提出您的建议或您可能遇到的任何错误。 执照 :victory_hand: 一个小项目
2021-10-24 00:41:08 960KB css colors coding gradient
2021-10-21 15:52:07 689KB CCSDS 131.0-B-2
High Efficiency Video Coding Hevc Algorithms and Architectures
2021-10-20 17:22:50 10.86MB h.265 HEVC
2021-10-19 14:05:54 15KB javase
2021-10-18 23:04:42 705KB PHY CODING PCIE3.0
2021-10-18 18:00:59 38.14MB 操作系统