The book is organized in five parts. Part I, which includes Chapter 1, provides motivating examples and illustrates how optimization problems with decomposable structure are ubiquitous. Part II describes decomposition theory, algorithms, and procedures. Particularly, Chapter 2 and 3 address solution procedures for linear programming problems with complicating constraints and complicating variables, respectively. Chapter 4 reviews and summarizes VIII Preface duality theory. Chapter 5 describes decomposition techniques appropriate for continuous nonlinear programming problems. Chapter 6 presents decomposition procedures relevant for mixed-integer linear and nonlinear problems. Chapter 7 considers specific decomposition techniques not analyzed in the previous chapters. Part III, which includes Chapter 8, provides a comprehensive treatment of sensitivity analysis. Part IV provides in Chapter 9 some case studies of clear interest for the engineering profession. Part V contains some of the codes in GAMS used throughout the book. Finally, Part VI contains the solutions of the even exercises proposed throughout the book.
2021-10-07 16:09:20 3.36MB Benders Dantzig-Wolf Decompositio Decompositio
Introductory_Techniques_for_3-D_Computer_Vision国外教材英文原版电子书 computer vision techniques 3D 计算机图像
2021-10-06 21:06:25 22.05MB computer vision techniques 3D
PARSING TECHNIQUES ,轮子哥推荐的编译原理书籍,英文版本,带书签,本来想设置一个0积分下载,可惜没有这个选项。。。很棒的一本书,仅供交流,切勿商用!
2021-10-01 16:25:20 3.85MB 编译原理实践
irt学习高等教材,外国指定教科书。Item_Response_Theory_Parameter_Estimation_Techniques_2ed (1).pdf
2021-09-29 19:40:13 35.86MB IRT
这是韩国学生的一篇硕士论文 业内评价很高。论文研究了低成本IMU的检校、INS的初始对准方法、GPS/INS组合解算模型的公式推导等。对做惯导和组合导航的算法设计很有帮助
2021-09-24 09:43:52 1.76MB GPS INS 组合 卡尔曼滤波
Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision. Theory and Practice .pdf
2021-09-22 11:26:34 9.59MB Template Matching Techniques in
Data Mining Concepts and Techniques 3rd Edition(数据挖掘概念与技术第三版)
2021-09-20 21:00:09 8.35MB dataMi
Stentiford 算法可以表述如下: 1. 找到图像中的像素与模板 T1 中的像素匹配的像素位置 (i, j)。 使用此模板,从左到右和从上到下移动图像顶部的所有像素。 2. 如果中心像素不是端点,并且连接数 = 1,则将此像素标记为删除。 端点像素:如果一个像素仅连接到另一个像素,则该像素被视为端点。 也就是说,如果一个黑色像素在八个可能的邻居中只有一个黑色邻居。 3. 对匹配 T1 的所有像素位置重复步骤 1 和 2。 4. 对其余模板重复步骤 1-3:T2、T3 和 T4。 T2 将匹配对象左侧的像素,从下到上和从左到右移动。 T3 将沿图像底部选择像素并从右到左和从下到上移动。 T4 定位对象右侧的像素,从上到下,从右到左移动。 5. 将标记为删除的像素设置为白色。
2021-09-20 15:09:03 2KB matlab
part 2 From the Back Cover An applied introduction to modern computer vision, focusing on a set of computational techniques for 3-D imaging, this book covers a wide range of fundamental problems encountered within computer vision and provides detailed algorithmic and theoretical solutions for each. Each chapter concentrates on a specific problem and solves it by building on previous results. FEATURES: * Provides a guide to well-tested theory and algorithms including solutions of problems encountered in modern computer vision. * Contains many practical hints highlighted in the book. * Develops two parallel tracks in the presentation, showing how fundamental problems are solved using both intensity and range images, the most popular types of images used today. * Each chapter contains notes on the literature, review questions, numerical exercises, and projects. * Provides an Internet list for accessing links to test images, demos, archives and additional learning material.
2021-09-17 22:04:20 5.14MB computer vision