此资料为PDF版本,非扫描版本,文字非常清晰 《The C Programming language》不仅在C与C++语言界,而且在整个程序设计语言教学 与研究界都是耳熟能详的经典著作。最主要的两点原因是: 其一,这部著作自第l版问世后就一直深受广大读者欢迎,畅销不衰,是计算机学术界与 教育界著书立说的重要参考文献。可以说,几乎所有的程序设计语言著作以及C 与C++著作 的作者都把这部著作作为参考文献。早在20 年前我国就翻译出版过这部著作的第1 版。 其二,这部著作的原作者之一Dennis M. Ritchie是C语言的设计者,这样就保证了在著 作中能完整、准确地体现与描述C 语言的设计思想。本书讲述的程序设计方法以及各种语言 成分的细节与用法具有权威性,这很有利于读者把握C语言的精髓。
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<>里面的源代码。就是是The C++ PL 特别版的课后题答案。有谁知道<>哪里有卖么?知道的话请帮忙告诉我一声。
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The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition(C程序设计语言, 第二版), 中文版, 带完整目录
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共两本The C programming Language[C程序设计语言]PDF,一本是中文,一本是原文
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Programming Language Pragmatics By 作者: Michael L. Scott ISBN-10 书号: 0124104096 ISBN-13 书号: 9780124104099 Edition 版本: 4 出版日期: 2015-12-25 pages 页数: (992 ) $89.95 Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition, is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on the fundamental tradeoffs that continue to drive software development. The book provides readers with a solid foundation in the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the full range of programming languages, from traditional languages like C to the latest in functional, scripting, and object-oriented programming. This fourth edition has been heavily revised throughout, with expanded coverage of type systems and functional programming, a unified treatment of polymorphism, highlights of the newest language standards, and examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures. Updated coverage of the latest developments in programming language design, including C & C++11, Java 8, C# 5, Scala, Go, Swift, Python 3, and HTML 5 Updated treatment of functional programming, with extensive coverage of OCaml New chapters devoted to type systems and composite types Unified and updated treatment of polymorphism in all its forms New examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures Contents Foreword Preface —Foundations Introduction Programming Language Syntax Names Scopes & Bindings Semantic Analysis Target Machine Architecture –Core lssues in Language Design Control Flow Type Systems Composite Types Subroutines & Control Abstraction Data Abstraction & Object Orientation —Alternative Programming Models Functional Languages Logic Languages Concurrency Scripting Languages —Closer Look at Implementation Building a Runnable Program Run-Time Program Management Code Ilmprovement Programming Languages Mentioned Language Design & Implementation Numbered Examples Biblio Index
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Programming Language Pragmatics 4th 程序设计语言 实践之路 最新版原版英文第4版 带书签 pdf
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