Getting Things Done - The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity.pdf
2019-12-21 19:51:04 2.74MB Getting Things Done
There are a multitude of books out there to help you hone your Verification skills, as almost every Digital IC professional will tell you. The available books run the gamut of quality and ease of use. The major strength of this book is a place where many of those books fall down – they are not what they claim to be. Vanessa’s book is a great example of exactly what it claims to be – a guide for the “beginner”. “Beginner” is used loosely in this context because the book does not shy away from advanced concepts (the Factory, register package prediction, etc.)
2019-12-21 19:30:04 4.51MB UVM
Ubuntu 16.04入门手册 Getting Started with Ubuntu 16.04
2019-12-21 18:58:37 6.64MB Ubuntu 16.04 入门手册
英文清晰版 Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries ,学习LLVM必不可少的资料
2015-06-29 00:00:00 19.24MB LLVM
2015-04-14 00:00:00 1.05MB Scala sbt