Writing Testbenches,Functional Verification of HDL Models.pdf
2020-01-03 11:26:50 12.98MB Writing Testbenches
This book isn’t meant to teach the C++ programming language. It’s about functional programming and how it fits in with C++. Functional programming provides a differ- ent way to think about software design and a different way of programming, compared to the imperative, object-oriented styles commonly used with C++. Many people who see the title of this book may find it strange, because C++ is com - monly mistaken for an object-oriented language. Although C++ does support the object-oriented paradigm well, it goes much further than that. It also supports the pro- cedural paradigm, and its support for generic programming puts most other languages to shame. C++ also supports most (if not all) functional idioms quite well, as you’ll see. Each new version of the language has added more tools that make functional program- ming in C++ easier.
2019-12-21 22:25:34 10.52MB c++ functional
1) 英文原版, PDF书签带目录 2) 普林斯顿分析系列第4本, 泛函分析。 3) 经典教材。 This is the fourth and final volume in the Princeton Lectures in Analysis, a series of textbooks that aim to present, in an integrated manner, the core areas of analysis. Beginning with the basic facts of functional analysis, this volume looks at Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and distribution theory, and highlights their roles in harmonic analysis. The authors then use the Baire category theorem to illustrate several points, including the existence of Besicovitch sets. The second half of the book introduces readers to other central topics in analysis, such as probability theory and Brownian motion, which culminates in the solution of Dirichlet's problem. The concluding chapters explore several complex variables and oscillatory integrals in Fourier analysis, and illustrate applications to such diverse areas as nonlinear dispersion equations and the problem of counting lattice points. Throughout the book, the authors focus on key results in each area and stress the organic unity of the subject.
2019-12-21 22:11:34 24.09MB Functional Analysis 泛函分析
2019-12-21 21:53:13 607KB 泛函 经典
经典泛函分析英文教材:(Wiley Classics Library) Erwin Kreyszig-Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications-Wiley (1989)
2019-12-21 21:48:29 11.13MB 泛函分析
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Understanding Functional Programming Chapter 2: Introducing Essential Functional Concepts Chapter 3: Functions, Iterators, And Generators Chapter 4: Working With Collections Chapter 5: Higher-Order Functions Chapter 6: Recursions And Reductions Chapter 7: Additional Tuple Techniques Chapter 8: The Itertools Module Chapter 9: More Itertools Techniques Chapter 10: The Functools Module Chapter 11: Decorator Design Techniques Chapter 12: The Multiprocessing And Threading Modules Chapter 13: Conditional Expressions And The Operator Module Chapter 14: The Pymonad Library Chapter 15: A Functional Approach To Web Services Chapter 16: Optimizations And Improvements
2019-12-21 21:48:01 2.52MB python functional
泛函分析经典书目:linear and nonlinear functional analysis with applications,pdf高清版,欢迎下载
2019-12-21 21:41:32 24.89MB 泛函分析
Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Erwin Kreyszig, 这是一本703页的书。内容十分详实具体,包含了大量的例子。可读性也很强。这是中文版
2019-12-21 21:32:40 18.18MB Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis Notes(2011) Mr. Andrew Pinchuck 英文版,107页,很好地体现了泛函分析基础的主要结论。能在短时间内掌握泛函分析基础的内容。
2019-12-21 21:23:04 606KB Functional Analysis 泛函 笔记