基于ActiveX Automation技术的AutoCAD二次开发
2022-09-27 11:45:44 160KB AutoCAD
[深入浅出AutoCAD.NET二次开发].李冠亿.扫描版 适合AutoCAD二次开发新手入门
2022-09-27 11:16:23 72B .NET CAD二次开发 C#
2022-09-26 23:47:23 51.58MB AutoCAD_2016_SP1
2022-09-19 14:01:12 5KB autocad center_calculation vb_cad zlzz文件
ObjectARX是AutoDesk公司针对AutoCAD平台上的二次开发而推出的一个开发软件包,它提供了以C++为基础的面向对象的开发环境及应用程序接口,能真正快速的访问AutoCAD图形数据库。 与以往的 AutoCAD 二次开发工具 AutoLISP 和ADS不同,ObjectARX应用程序是一个DLL(动态链接库),共享AutoCAD的地址空间,对AutoCAD进行直接函数调用。所以,使用ARX编程的函数的执行速度得以大大提高。ARX 类库采用了标准的C++类库的封装形式,这也大大提高了程序员编程的可靠度和效率。
2022-09-18 17:45:04 114.36MB ObjectARX2023 AutoCAD2023
用VB进行AUTOCAD 地形等高线点数据提取
2022-09-14 16:05:13 45KB 等高线 点数据提取 AUTOCAD
Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 By 作者: George Omura – Brian C. Benton ISBN-10 书号: 1119495008 ISBN-13 书号: 9781119495000 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-07-03 pages 页数: 1088 The world’s favorite guide to everything AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT—updated for 2019! Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 is the world’s all-time best-selling guide to the world’s most popular drafting software. Packed with tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials, this guide covers every inch of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT—including certification. This new edition has been fully updated to align with the software’s 2019 update, featuring the same expert instruction augmented by videos of crucial techniques. Step-by-step walk-throughs, concise explanations, specific examples and plenty of hands-on projects help you learn essential AutoCAD skills by working directly with the necessary tools—giving you a skill set that translates directly to on-the-job use. AutoCAD is the dominant design and drafting software for 2D and 3D technical drawings, while AutoCAD LT is the more affordable version often used by students and hobbyists. Professional designers need complete command of the software’s tools and functions, but a deeper exploration of more complex capabilities can help even hobbyists produce work at a higher level of technical proficiency. This book is your ultimate guide to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, whether you’re seeking certification or just looking to draw. Get acquainted with the workspace and basic drafting tools Gain greater control of your drawings with hatches, fields, fills, dynamic blocks, and curves Explore the 3D modeling and imaging tools that bring your drawing to life Customize AutoCAD to the way you work, integrate it with other software, and more As certification preparation material, this book is Autodesk-endorsed; as a self-study guide to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT mastery, this book is the gold-standard, having led over a half million people on the journey to better design. If you’re ready to learn quickly so you can get down to work, Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 is your ideal resource.
2022-09-09 21:40:09 33.58MB AutoCAD
★☆★“人生苦短,我看原版”系列 ★☆★ 这是官方版本的“从入门到精通AutoCAD2016”,虽然是英文版的,但其实用词都比较简单,4级水平应该就能看懂。 无论是新手是专家,都值得作为案头必备,是常读常新的一本书。 这本书也建议作为攻克英文工具书的一个开始,万里长征的第一步。——拿下了它,相信你就不会再有一看到英文原版就头晕的感觉。
2022-09-09 21:37:32 59.99MB AutoCAD 2016 从入门到精通
关于ARX类的描述的 买的《AutoCAD ARX 函数库查询辞典》一书光盘里面的 AcApDocManager 类 AcApDocManager对象是所有文件对象的容器(对于每一个打开的且正在编辑的图形文件都有一个文件对象)。使用宏名为acDocManager的宏可以取得唯一的实例。   继承自 AcRxObject   Include 文件 Acdocman.h   参见 AcApDocument, AcApDocManagerReactor, AcApDocumentIterator   成员   AcApDocManager 函数   AcApDocManager::activateDocument函数 virtual Acad::ErrorStatus activateDocument( AcApDocument* pAcTargetDocument, bool bPassScript = false) = 0; pAcTargetDocument 指向要转移至的目标文件的输入指针 bPassScript 输入布尔值,表示在转移至另一文件时是否要继续执行脚本 这个函数作用是从当前的 文件中转移至另一文件中。这个函数不会挂起在应用程序下执行的代码。如果是一个正常或空闲的状态则调用者被挂起。如果bPassScript值为Adesk::kTrue,则已经调用了执行改变文件的命令的脚本将继续执行。这个参数允许一个脚本跨文件运行。
2022-09-07 22:56:37 3.15MB arx 函数 中文
lay2dwg autocad插件导出单一图层至dwg
2022-09-07 09:01:27 13KB autocad