韩顺平java项目源码 [TOC] data-structures 介绍 数据结构学习源码,学习过程中参考尚硅谷的《尚硅谷-韩顺平图解Java数据结构和算法》视频, 但视频中有些内容为了便于理解,存在一些硬编码以及一些个人觉得可以优化的点,因此该项目中源码与视频中源码有较大出入; 内容 1. 稀疏数组 com.ddf.datastructure.sparsearray.SparseArray 2. 队列 2.1 数组实现队列 com.ddf.datastructure.queue.ArrayQueueDemo 3. 链表 3.1 单向链表 com.ddf.datastructure.linkedlist.SingletonLinkedListDemo 3.2 双向链表 com.ddf.datastructure.linkedlist.LinkedListDemo 3.3 单向环形链表 com.ddf.datastructure.linkedlist.CircleSingletonLinkedListDemo 4. 栈 4.1 数组实现栈
2021-10-02 21:07:54 31KB 系统开源
2021-09-27 01:30:29 15.26MB Discre
2021-09-27 00:03:48 97B 计算机科学
Data structures and Program Design in C++习题答案,教材使用,希望能有帮助
2021-09-23 09:27:43 3.68MB 数据结构 教材 答案
2021-09-22 20:26:07 62KB c algorithms mooc data-structures
卡诺地图简化器 卡诺地图简化软件-使用高效算法在视觉上简化表达式。 功能与发展 此存储库中包含两个版本。 当使用Java 8开发新的JavaFX应用程序时,可以在或不赞成使用的文件夹下找到原始的简化程序。 当前功能: 允许简化真值表中的布尔表达式 自定义UI组件(可扩展真值表),易于使用 将真值表转换为SOP(产品总和)形式,然后在卡诺地图上绘制 显示2-4个变量表达式的配对可视化 输出代数形式的简化表达式 广泛的单元测试套件,用于简化表达式的正确性 未来的计划 进一步优化的布尔代数表达式配对识别算法 使用Quine-McCluskey和分支绑定方法简化多达27个变量的表达式 保存,打开
2021-09-14 11:31:47 7.99MB C++
A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Third Edition (C++ Version) 作者:Clifford A. Shaffer 英文版的,国内第二版有张铭等的译本,但我没有找到电子版。 以下是作者网站上的说明: The third edition of the textbook is now available! I maintain both a Java version and a C++ version. This material is distributed free for educational use. See here for more information about the goals of this online textbook project.
2021-09-10 22:53:36 2.03MB 数据结构 算法分析 教材 电子书
Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ Second Edition Sartraj Sahni | Universities Press 2005 | ISBN: 817371522X | PDF | 826 Pages | 27 MB Description The study of data structures and algorithms is fundamental to computer science and engineering. A mastery of these areas is essential for us to develop computer programs that utilize computer resources in an effective manner. This book is a nice description of data structures in C++. The Part I of book consist of c++ review and preliminaries, Part II consists of data structures including Lists, Dictionaries, Stacks, Queues and trees and their different types of representations, Arrays and Matrices, Graphs and Performance analysis and Part III consists of Algorithm-Design Methods including Greedy method, Divide and conquer, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking (on the web), Branch and Bound (on the web). Table of Contents Part I Preliminaries Chapter 1 C++ Review Chapter 2 Performance Analysis Chapter 3 Asymptotic Notation Chapter 4 Performance Measurement Part II Data Structures Chapter 5 Linear Lists - Arrays Representation Chapter 6 Linear Lists - Linked Representation Chapter 7 Arrays and Matrices Chapter 8 Stacks Chapter 9 Queues Chapter 10 Skip Lists and Hashing Chapter 11 Binary and Other Trees Chapter 12 Priority Queues Chapter 13 Tournament Trees Chapter 14 Binary Search Trees Chapter 15 Balanced Search Trees Chapter 16 Graphs Part III Algorithm Design Methods Chapter 17 The Greedy Method Chapter 18 Divide and Conquer Chapter 19 Dynamic Programming Chapter 20 Backtracking (On the Web) Chapter 21 Branch and Bound (On the Web) Index
2021-09-08 17:24:30 28.07MB 数据结构 英文版 第二版 Sartaj