华为内部教材_高速数字电路设计教材_high_speed_digital_design 全书共12章,第一章-基本原理,第二章-逻辑门的高速特性,第三章-测量方法,第四章-传输线,第五章-地平面和层堆积,第六章-匹配,第七章-过孔,第八章-电源系统,第九章-连接器,第十章-带状电缆,第十一章-时钟分发,第十二章-晶体振荡器。
2021-04-02 19:26:45 3.24MB 高速电路 数字电路设计
High-speed-Charting-Control控件,2020年8月最新版本,包含源码、例程、文档,只是方便无法从codeproject.com下载的朋友。 For one of my previous projects, I needed to display a continuous flow of data on a charting control. I decided to develop my own control because I couldn't find any free control that could provide the required flexibility. One of the main restrictions was that the control had to plot a lot of data and be able to display it quickly (on a Pocket PC). The control is able to do that by plotting only the new points of data, not the complete series. The chart is also able to display static data. This control is the result of long hours of work and sometimes frustration in order to provide something flexible enough to be used by people who need it. I would really appreciate feedback: a mail, a post in the message board or just by rating the article. There is no point for me to maintain this control when I don't know if it is used.
2021-03-30 08:22:13 1.09MB 曲线 控件 Chart
High-speed Charting Control--MFC绘制曲线一些功能实现,vs2010实现MFC demo,单个点、批量点写入刷新,点连接线,轴坐标刷新,十字线实时获取X,Y数值等等一些功能,已经运用于项目中。
2021-03-29 20:08:26 14.46MB VS2010 MFC
High-speed Charting Control(MFC绘图控件),主要用于MFC绘图,具体参考博主博客
2021-03-25 15:33:24 1.2MB MFC 绘图控件 画图
2021-03-21 09:12:29 50KB High-speed train optimal control
Speed_Dating:EDA快速约会 实用程序:Pandas,Seaborn,Matplotlib 阅读du csv +清洁 selon le sexe的分布,年龄,地区d'études 分析参加者的获奖情况 分析社区关系
2021-03-19 09:13:41 162KB
HTML5视频的速度控制器 只需使用键盘即可管理速度提升,减速,前进和后退。 观看视频时只需处理播放速度。 Video Speed Manager可让您在观看过程中加快或减慢任何视频。 没有标准或限制。 只需提高和降低播放速度,即可根据需要多次前进和后退视频。 您是否曾经想增加无聊的时刻或只是越来越多地倒带喜欢的视频时刻? Video Speed Manager是运行视频的最佳工具。 设置控制台将有助于优化视频查看。 您只需要设置所需的快捷方式即可。 使用视频播放器左上角的速度指示器或使用键盘控制视频速度。 支持语言:English,polski,русский
2021-03-15 12:06:49 24KB 无障碍
TeeChart替代品,MFC下好用的高速绘图控件-(Hight-Speed Charting),实现在两个坐标中绘制曲线,一个是以数字为坐标轴,一个是以时间。
2021-03-08 13:57:13 3.41MB Hight-Speed Charting 列子
Video Speed Controller-视频倍速播放.zip
2021-03-05 18:07:12 46KB 视频加速
A 1.3-\mu m wavelength vertical-mesa ridge waveguide mulitple-quantum-well (MQW) distributed feedback (DFB) laser with high directly modulated bandwidth and wide operation temperature range is reported. With the optimization of the strained-layer MQWs in the active region, the surrounding graded-index separated-confinement-heterostructure waveguide layers, together with the optimization of the detuning and coupling coefficient of the DFB grating, high directly modulation bandwidth of 16 GHz at r
2021-02-26 11:04:28 1.47MB 半导体激 高速 无致冷 宽温度范