介绍 码云微信小程序(第三方服务)是一个基于微信小程序+码云OpenAPI的代码仓库管理小工具,实现在微信小程序上对码云一些常用功能的移动端操作体验。 项目说明 本项目小程序客户端部分除页面UI基于WeUI以及Markdown采用了第三方库以外,未集成任何开发框架,纯微信小程序原生代码实现;直接与码云官方API () 通信,没有任何的第三方服务端数据存储和缓存服务。 为了用户更安全放心的使用这个小程序,我们推荐使用码云的 进行授权。 使用说明 1. clone 本项目至本地 导入微信小程序并修改为自己的APPID 2. 编译并运行小程序开发版 即可预览效果 特色功能 1. 手机端查看代码提交记录,评论变更的文件 2. 手机端查看码云通知/私信 3. 手机端查看/合并/关闭PR 4. 方便发起Issue、管理、查看Issue状态等 5. 查看用户主页、用户开源仓库和用户关注的仓库 6. 搜
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O2OA微信小程序 O2OA微信小程序是O2OA企业信息化系统的微信小程序端实现。 目前这个小程序连接的是我们O2OA的样例服务器,可以直接扫码体验: 小程序原始码使用 首先需要自行申请一个微信小程序,同时这个微信小程序需要通过微信认证,个人小程序无法使用小程序的高级API,很多功能无法使用。 基本微信小程序需要配置后台服务器访问地址,现有小程序只支持https的请求,所以需要将O2OA服务器开启https功能。小程序后台配置如下图: 小程序原始码中修改O2OA服务器地址: O2OA:Java企业信息化系统 O2OA是基于J2EE架构,集成了移动办公,智能办公,支持私有化部署,自适应负载能力的,能够节省成本的企业软件开发成本的基于AGPL协议开放源代码的企业信息化系统需求定制开发解决方案方案,对外提供专业的开发运维等技术服务。 O2OA平台拥有流程管理,门户管理,信息管理,数据管理和服务
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C++ How to Program, 10th Edition(全网最完整,英文原版,包含演示代码),C++零基础必备书籍,秒杀国内教程。
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C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version), Global Edition By 作者: Harvey Deitel Paul Deitel ISBN-10 书号: 1292153342 ISBN-13 书号: 9781292153346 Edition 版本: 10th Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2016 Pages: 1075 Pearson英文原本超清 C++ How to Program presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations–the ACM and the IEEE. The best-selling C++ How to Program is accessible to readers with little or no programming experience, yet comprehensive enough for the professional programmer. The Deitels’ signature live-code approach presents the concepts in the context of full working programs followed by sample executions. The early objects approach gets readers thinking about objects immediately–allowing them to more thoroughly master the concepts. Emphasis is placed on achieving program clarity and building well-engineered software. Interesting, entertaining, and challenging exercises encourage students to make a difference and use computers and the Internet to work on problems. To keep readers up-to-date with leading-edge computing technologies, the Tenth Edition conforms to the C++11 standard and the new C++14 standard.
2021-10-15 13:47:10 6.87MB C++
Your new textbook provides 12-month access to digital resources that may include VideoNotes (step-by-step video tutorials on programming concepts), source code, web chapters, quizzes, and more. Refer to the preface in the textbook for a detailed list of resources. Follow the instructions below to register for the Companion Website for Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel’s C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version), Tenth Edition. 1 Go to www.pearsonhighered.com/cs-resources 2 Enter the title of your textbook or browse by author name. 3 Click Companion Website. 4 Click Register and follow the on-screen instructions to create a login name and password.
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C++ How To Program 10th 版权属于作者和出版商,请不要用于商业用途,自己学习就好
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This book is for people who want to write programs that communicate with each other using an application program interface (API) known as sockets. Some readers may be very familiar with sockets already, as that model has become synonymous with network programming. Others may need an introduction to sockets from the ground up. The goal of this book is to offer guidance on network programming for beginners as well as professionals, for those developing new network-aware applications as well as those maintaining existing code, and for people who simply want to understand how the networking components of their system function.
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