2021-09-22 16:20:44 28KB PSIM9.0 光伏PV MPPT boost变换器
2021-09-18 19:04:51 815KB
Advancements in grid converter technology have been pivotal in the successful integration of renewable energy. The high penetration of renewable energy systems is calling for new more stringent grid requirements. As a consequence, the grid converters should be able to exhibit advanced functions like: dynamic control of active and reactive current injection during faults, and grid services support.This book explains the topologies, modulation and control of grid converters for both photovoltaic and wind power applications. In addition to power electronics, coverage focuses on the specific applications in photovoltaic and wind power systems where grid condition is an essential factor.With a review of the most recent grid requirements for photovoltaic and wind power systems, the relevant issues are discussed: Modern grid inverter topologies for photovoltaic and wind turbines Islanding detection methods for photovoltaic systems Synchronization techniques based on second order generalized integrators (SOGI) Advanced synchronization techniques with robust operation under grid unbalance condition Resonant controller techniques for current control and harmonic compensation Grid filter design and active damping techniques Power control under grid fault conditions, considering both positive and negative sequencesThroughout, the authors include practical examples, exercises, and simulation models and an accompanying website sets out further modeling techniques using MATLAB® and Simulink environments and physical security information management (PSIM) software.Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems is intended as a course book for graduate students with a background in electrical engineering and for professionals in the evolving renewable energy industry. For professors interested in adopting the course, a set of slides is available for download from the website.Companion Websitewww.wiley.com/go/grid_converters
2021-09-09 10:54:34 14.84MB PV wind inverter
一:项目介绍 koalas-RPC 个人作品,提供大家交流学习,有意见请私信,欢迎拍砖。客户端采用thrift协议,服务端支持netty和thrift的TThreadedSelectorServer半同步半异步线程模型,支持动态扩容,服务上下线,权重动态,可用性配置,页面流量统计等,QPS统计,TP90,TP99,TP95等丰富可视化数据,持续为个人以及中小型公司提供可靠的RPC框架技术方案。 1:为什么要写这个RPC 市面上常见的RPC框架很多,grpc,motan,dubbo等,但是随着越来越多的元素加入,复杂的架构设计等因素似使得这些框架和spring一样,虽然号称是轻量级,但是用起来却是让我们很蹩脚,大量的配置,繁杂的API设计,其实,我们根本用不上这些东西!!! 我也算得上是在很多个互联网企业厮杀过,见过很多很多的内部RPC框架,有些优秀的设计让我非常赞赏,有一天我突然想着,为什
2021-08-30 21:55:49 183KB Java
Java+Spring+Mysql+C3P0 统计网站的访问量,比如PV(页面浏览量),UV(独立访客数),将统计结果保存到MYSQL数据库中。解压后有项目log和Mysql的建库脚本。
2021-08-30 14:30:21 6.7MB uv pv ip
2021-08-24 14:06:50 14KB AIX LVM LV PV
2021-08-18 09:01:16 150KB AIX PV 运维
王昭礼版:该 版 更 正 了 第 一版的错误。 在 此 感 谢北 辰@破军指出其 中的错误。本文 仅供学习交流使用,严禁商业交易。 题目主要来自于网络以及本人搜集整 理的各个高校考研试题(文中业已注 明),答案多数经我个人的检查
2021-08-16 18:17:43 983KB 操作系统PV
2021-08-16 18:10:38 890KB 操作系统
光伏电池的基本建模 用于了解光伏电池的特性和性能 是一个很好的光伏入门pscad模型
2021-08-11 18:17:47 23KB pv 光伏 模型 pscad